LGBT+ History Month

This makes him gay how?

I admit whenever I screw up in raid and that I have to perform better. I don’t see how this means anything.

In what sense? Cause Anduin punched him?

I don’t care about the topic. I’m sorry you’re in pain. But if you have the energy to complain, you have the energy to provide meaningful feedback.


…Wait, what?

Well, I do play WoW with my wife! :slight_smile:

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No but it’s something a lot of gay people can relate with. Dorian says something very similar so I was thinking of that.

“Selfish I suppose. To not want to spend the rest of your life screaming on the inside.”

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Accusing everyone with the slightest objection to a change involving race, gender, or sexuality of being a racist and a bigot isn’t doing us any favors.


What are you even referencing?

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Yes in D2 you had to either make love to Anders or he had a literal hissy fit and forced you to fight him. I respected his character but severely disliked the forced romance angle. When it’s done right it feels natural but it’s oh so rarely done right.

I don’t mean any overt disrespect to you, but this is a terrible argument against representation and tokenism.


Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah there’s a character in the 2nd game that had that issue. But I was romancing him in the first place so I avoided that mess.

I mean I’ve never once romanced Anders and also never had to fight him, so :man_shrugging:

How? Because Wrathion also states he has no intention on sharing his father’s fate, understands his corruption, and doesn’t wanna become crazy and wonky. That’s a normal reaction for someone with a consience, not something specific to the LGBT.


I feel like putting me in a position where I might have to make that choice in the context of this thread is kind of mean. :confused:

Gate keeping diversity of any of the things you just listed is a common tactic people who are anti on the subject do and they try to do so in ways that they can’t be accused of being anti by decorating it in other ways. Not calling them out on it, not asking for representation, not speaking up on issues that inherently have to do with us but someone because they have “lgbtq friends” or “knows lgbt people” feels the need to play gate keeper is not doing us any favors.


I know. It must be terrible for you when you’re forced to read that people would like to see themselves reflected in the game, when we all know that WoW is written for you, and you alone.

Tha’s gotta suck.


Which is a shame because my version of his romance was freaking adorable. When I played I mean.

Anders: goes on some big talk about his now very dead ex boyfriend
My Hawke: …no one should have to go through that
Anders: ( this isn’t an exact quote so pardon me ) Ohhhh so there’s a soft side to you after all…

Then his face looks like “oh no I said too much” and he cutely apologizes for saying something flirty.

You pre-judge thought and action, and nothing anyone says will slightly budge you. I say again, you are not doing us any favors.


And I don’t see you doing anything at all.

If people are anti on the topics of diversity, yes that tells me actually all I need to know about them.

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I’m trying to say it’s very relatable considering a lot of lgbt youth feel trapped by their parents or just society in general.


Okay, this isn’t any better of an argument for inclusion or tokenism.

For real, people need to stop treating other people like they’re enemies by default. Making assumptions about others does not change their minds, and neither does accusing them of being terrible people.

If every dog you ever met bit you, you probably wouldn’t care all that much what happens to dogs in general.

I really don’t understand all the hostility people use in these conversations. Barring those who condemn others for religious reasons, I think most people just want to get along. Deliberately attacking, regardless of which side of a given argument it’s coming from, is the opposite of helpful.


I dont really know why we’re arguing about reasons why a character should be gay tbh. Never seen anyone ask why a character was straight and if it was making some sort of political statement or if they’re actually just a good character who happens to be straight.