LGBT+ History Month

Why do YOU need a game to represent YOUR sexual orientation?
What will it add to the game?


I just don’t see the logic in your reply at all. Not everything in the real world needs to be in the game. It’s a fantasy game and not a sexual identity fantasy game.


Less boredom


What a crazy thread.

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Speaking to me personally, if they did it correctly, it would just be part of the world, not a big deal. It would be some cute nod like a burning house where a night elf dashes in and comes running out with their same sex partner and it wouldn’t be called attention to because its a burning house, you run in save your mate, you run out. It shouldn’t matter, it really shouldn’t.

But if its going to be in your face, “LOOK AT THE COUPLE THAT IS LGBT+ OMG BLIZZARD IS SO PROGRESSIVE, BRAVE AND STUNNING!”, then I don’t want it.

It’s called pandering and its going to MAYBE sell a few more units, but odds are its going to make everyone else super mad and I actually kind of care about the game being actually good, and if people get mad and stop playing, then that will invariably affect me eventually.

Like, say if they take Anduin and Wrathion to a position where they fall in love, it might be the most organic take because they’ve been building this relationship. Anduin has all these nice women around him and if he ends up with one of them, well that’s cool too. But if its going to be followed by a fog horn and a blaring “LOOK WHAT WE DID, WE ARE THE BEST!” well then I just don’t want it.

I want for it to be treated as normal, please and thank you.


It’s pretty funny how wrathion and anduin started out as a sort of crack ship and fans of it were teased to heck and back. And cut to now where it’s like “no wait these two actually work way better than the usual relations in wow what the heck?” lol

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This topic is temporarily closed for at least 24 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic was automatically opened after 24 hours.

And just how do you know there aren’t already a LOT of LGBT+ in the game? None of the characters have any real genitalia. Anduin could well be a trans male. You assume too much!

Hey, we are up and running and soon to be shut down very shortly.

To those bent on keeping this thread locked.


Imagine spending your day constantly flagging this thread. Get a life ( I mean besides wow). :roll_eyes:


This topic is temporarily closed for at least 24 hours due to a large number of community flags.

Hey mods? Can you maybe take a close look at the people who keep flagging this thread and suspend them if they keep reflagging it after you’ve cleared the thread’s flags?

Kinda getting tired of it always being locked when I come to look at it.


“Welcome Back, Friends!”


Nothings stopping you from looking at it lol.

If I can’t interact with it, there’s no point in viewing it. Don’t be obtuse.

Eh, debatable. You can read through it and try and get context or maybe learn something. Do you interact with every thread you read?

Hello Cyndilou :slight_smile: always a breath of fresh air I see

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I do if they’re interesting. This one has, despite its occasional deviations into back-and-forth mudslinging, been interesting. Mostly because of the people contributing to it. I don’t want to read the posts I’ve missed, feel like asking a question, and be unable to ask that question just because someone felt like silencing the conversation.