LGBT+ History Month

I think people forget or don’t know that you have to have a professional mental evaluation before you start taking HRT/ surgery. Sure you can address people by the name they like and even buy a different type of clothing but medical things have to be approved.

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Seems like the only crying going on is the pro team.


Before and during HRT actually. Your brain is also going thru its own separate changes and they have to make sure you’re changing at a healthy speed.

If I were to start HRT ( a pipe dream at this point for me but whatev ) I would have to make sure I don’t become extra aggressive because of the testosterone shift for example.

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You selectively ignore every review and comment online when a game has pro elements. The recent CyberPunk comes to mind…


I’m just saying…Big girls don’t cry.

And if it was in the game, there would be tons of wanna be “alphas” saying Wow has gone too pc…


You wouldn’t know that until it was implemented and the big furry alphas came out and made a scene. Until then…

Given the posts about furries over vulpera, its a safe assumption to make. That and after seeing EVERY other game that includes it getting criticized, again see cyberpunk stories


Bruh people lost their dang minds when Tracer and Soldier were revealed to be gay. It’s a real thing.

The only time I’ve seen non lgbt go “No dude I don’t care I love them” was with romancing Dorian Pavus in Dragon Age Inquisition. Or comments from straight dudes on Henry Cavill videos.

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I didn’t even hear anything about it.

So you don’t follow game news? Ok…so just google it. But basically THIS statement from a dev caused an entire controversy about the game being pandering, etc:

You don’t choose, ‘I want to be a female or male character’ you now choose a body type. Because we want you to feel free to create any character you want. So you choose your body type and we have two voices, one that’s male sounding, one is female sounding. You can mix and match. You can just connect them any way you want. And then we have a lot of extra skin tones and tattoos and hairstyles. So we really want to give people the freedom to make their own character and play the way they want to play.

Yeah THIS innocuous statement people cry that devs are trying to force stuff in their faces, etc.


Haters gonna hate. I briefly heard about it but that stuff don’t bother me. :man_shrugging:t3:.

And that is great but that does not mean others don’t cause stinks because they are scared, in the closet, etc. Stuff like this proves it will happen in every game. This game isn’t even out yet and people are on soap boxes about boycotting it because of that…and lets face it WoW has the most fervent doomsayers, claiming its going to some extreme every patch, its trying to force things, etc. They release anything to be inclusive for people, and they complain its forced on them…

I did hear about borderlands 3 making dlc on 2 chars being homosexual. I haven’t looked up anything on how the community has reacted to it though.

“I don’t care what they are, but it still doesn’t bother me when they express it.”

You quoting me now?

“No, just replying.”

Cyndilou just answers like that. It’s her thing.


A couple things.

One is the idea that the people not in favor are “terrible”. I think that is a pretty massive exaggeration but you’re intitled to your opinion.

I think generally speaking that people are tired of hearing and seeing it. Movies, tv, games, the news, and so on have been bombarded with this topic and because some don’t agree with it, it becomes really annoying to have to constantly see and hear about it.

It’s been said many times in this topic but again…people play games to not be in the real world. They don’t need reminders of what we see on CNN/MSNBC/TV/Movies constantly.

I really feel like if there was not such an annoying push for it in most all entertainment these days, it would hardly be noticed if it were in the game.


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