LGBT+ History Month

“No. At 18 you are suddenly able to act on them, with out your Parents getting in the way.”


18 was the age society chose for maturity so there’s no confusion, otherwise what you have is a messy situation where relationships between 15 year old girl and 60 old man allowed, and that’s sick, so 18 was agreed as the age of maturity, sorry that’s my opinion

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Maybe in merka. It’s 16 in the UK, 15 in Indonesia. 14 in Saudi Arabia. 21 in Singapore.

Who’s magic number is right?

Maybe don’t equate “society” with “The United States”.

got to set the bar somewhere i think it shuld be 24 my self

My countries one is correct, 18 is the correct age, that’s how it is, 14 is WAY too young to marry, 18 is still very young for a human being, just because other countries do the wrong thing doesn’t matter, to me the universal age of adult hood is 18 especially for girls

“In the USA you can marry at 16, with your Parents permission.”

Trust me those are extremists. Someones gender should be explored by the person. Not pressured by parents.

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There’s nothing wrong with Malfurion and Tyrande being married. It’s in game cut scenes that are cringe.

Disagree; That could lead to trouble.

You should treat a boy as a “boy” and a girl as a “girl.” Then if they come out and say, “I’m this instead!”, then I’d say, “OK sure, but no surgical reassignment until you are 19 and then you earn the money for it.” Then they would say, “What?” And I’d say, “Exactly, so let us put a pin in this since you are four.”


Not everyone that is genderfluid / non binary or trans needs or wants surgery so this is a weak argument.


As opposed to the relationship between an 18 year old girl and a 60 year old man, which is healthy and beautiful.

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This is awful thinking to be honest. I am not saying that you should start reassignment on the word of a 4 year old but listening to them would not be a problem. If they change their mind (because you know they are four) no harm, no foul but if start puberty and still feel the same starting HRT may be the best choice.

While you may not like or agree with transgendered people the issue is that they also tend to suffer from body dysmorphia which is a mental health issue. The best found treatment for transgendered people with body dysmorphia is reassignment surgery. Telling someone they have to wait until 19 and pay for treatment themselves is cruel. Would you tell a depressed pre-teen they have to wait until they are 19 and pay for their own therapy /medication?

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so should the age be different for males?
we’re told the male brain matures more slowly.

And that is dependent on both the person and a professional giving them a mental evaluation.

Watching my body go thru female puberty was beyond stressful for me but I was in the closet and couldn’t tell my parents. So I can understand the trans that get stuff like puberty blockers before they change too much growing up.


Definition of Parent:
: a person who brings up and cares for another

Caring and guiding =/= pressuring.

That’s not what I meant. I meant the wacko parents that will try to mutilate their sons body parts because they want a girl. Or a recent case where a mother wanted to give her young son the ol snip snip to castrate them because they thought the boy identified as a girl when clearly the mother was trying to force her kid to think they’re a girl.


Ok, i can agree completely with this. You have a point.


Oh, hey. We’re back.




There is never a middle ground because the anti are terrible.

“Why am I forced to see this!”

they cry like children. All the pro want is some representation in a fantasy world. It isn’t asking a lot. If you do not like a game purely because there are some small pro things in the game, you have some very fragile masculinity.