LGBT+ History Month

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Speaking specifically as a bi man, no.

LGBT+ isn’t a gimmick. It is someones life you want to put in the game. That’s all well and good IF you can do correctly.

This is a video game. It should not be used to propel an agenda or sexual orientation driven story unless it needs to be. You want Blizzard to introduce my or any other LGBT+ orientation into the game to sell a few more copies or a few months more game time?

Blizzard can’t even balance pvp (looking at you corruption among many things), how can you expect them to write a good story featuring my or anyone elses orientation as a good story?

Stop asking for representation for the sake of representation. Blizzard is already damned if they do damned if they don’t, and at least if they’re damned if they don’t, at least it is because they chose to be respectful and not parade someones orientation around like clowns at the circus.


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The developers don’t work on the writing for starters.


Hi loves, hope everyone is well.


Why is it inherently disrespectful to include LGBT+ characters or stories?


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Watch this get flagged spammed again just to lock it again.

It’s kind of sad really as I sort of feel like…look, there are things in the trans community these days that make me a little uncomfortable like deliberately confusing young kids gender, drag queens and so on, BUT that doesn’t mean I think we should censor the entire thread and treat every pro LGBT thread with suspicion we should still support gay rights…

I hope as a trans person that position doesn’t offend you Rosenivy, I just think that when its a decision that you can’t change and can’t reverse you should wait until you are 18.

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“Like I said, live and let live. I agree that this conversation is getting treated very unfairly.”

Hey Blizz, this thread It’s crazier, and aren’t about the thread thats they speak, but the way they open, and close, open, and close, AND OPEN AND CLOSE THE THREAD ANY TIME…

I am not against it, but I am not in favor either, but for the result I see in this thread.


Your name matches your reply extremely well.

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What makes 18 a magic number though? What magic happens between 23:59:59 and 00:00:01 on the day you turn 18 suddenly validates your opinion of yourself?

“At 18 you don’t have to ask your Parents permission. You are free to make your own decisions, and your own choices.”

Because at 18 you are legally an adult

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SO the night before you are 18 you don’t know yourself or your body or feelings and are unable to make decisions, but at the stroke of midnight a magical transformation takes places and suddenly the feelings you may have had and believed for the last 17 years are suddenly valid?

In 'merica you can’t even drink until you’re 21. So why not make them wait until then?

But in the UK you’re an adult at 16. Are pommy kids just more mature and able to make these decisions earlier?