LGBT+ History Month

Because if it was someone so stereotypical in their mannerisms that it’d be easy to identify them as a member of the LGBT due to tropes, you’d claim it was offensive.


Right because straight people are never pandered to

I mean. I knew just hearing him and looking at him.

gestures to Wrathion

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I sense a sudden attack on my wallet. I’ll have to put them on a watch list so I can get notified when they go on sale, I suppose.

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What a tiresome topic.

I no longer believe the people that start them genuinely want what they’re asking for. I think people are just doing it to start crap up on the forum.


You don’t get to gesture to someone. Again:

Vocalize. Use tactics. Characteristics. Identify something that works. Speak.

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How is that a challenge? That doesn’t take some wildly different approach. And the writers aren’t idiots. There’s currently a blooming relationship in the story between Lor’themar and Thalysra. You do that same kind of thing, but with two people of the same gender.


Okay, so you do it too then. Go forth.

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0/10 This thread exploded and made a mess. As usual. :crazy_face: :boom:


I’m not one of the writers.


Hey you asked lol. I was mostly joking.

Origins: the graphics and gameplay have not aged well at all but the story is good

2: I like Hawke and the merry band of misfits in your party. However it has some faults in both graphics and story here and there because of how rushed it was. But there are still very good moments in it that I won’t spoil

3: Inquisition is freaking pretty. The only real big flaw story wise is the big bad guy ( who is someone you meet in DLC for 2 )

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Why are you telling me what I would do when you seem to be more offended at the idea …?

It really only seems to be bothering you if an LGBTQ character is implemented, and there is a wide spectrum, if someone is obviously so they are not in the wrong that is simply that persons personality.


I’m not going to give a bloody essay on my answer


Thalyssra was gonna be gay in 8.2 but then they were like ‘bury all that and hook her up with Lor’themar.’

Cant even imagine how angry some of the people in this thread would be if it were the opposite and she was originally gonna hook up with Lor’themar but they ditched it for a gay relationship.


Why not? You’re passionate about the subject. You’re totally fine with writing essays on how we’re all idiots and terrible people. But you won’t provide Blizzard with meaningful feedback about how they could implement what you like?


That’s not why I’m facepalming. :stuck_out_tongue:

We’re actively talking about how I’ve never played any of the stories, and you brought up a character’s butt when I am completely unfamiliar with the character. xD

I’m Donny!

what is wrong with dragons anyway, fallin in love with humans and even with inanimate objects

That’s a question for the ages, dood.

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Hooo boy how the heck does one say what they want to say here without getting banned… THAT is the million dollar question. Now I’m all for people choosing whatever sexuality they want in fanfic have at it! As for games where it’s forced in there, please for the love of all you hold dear NO! NO! NO!

I STILL loath games like Dragon Age for forcing me to either romance a same sex character or have to fight them. I do NOT want this crap in my regular lore anymore! Again fanfics do whatever you want!

In a lot of pain and this topic is going by fast. So have cliff notes

1: he fights to be himself free of corruption and the choices of the other aspects
2: admits that he has messed up in the past and is working to correct his mistakes or at least make up for it. That makes him more interesting in my opinion. Rather than “me must be with girl to make babies unga bunga” like most of the straight stories in this game
3: Has way better chemistry with Anduin than the straight romances


well that’s on them if people are too uptight to NOT let their real world feelings affect their judgement ingame you dont need to pug with people like that

regardless of the inequality and social issues plaguing the real world it has no bearing on what goes on in WoW nor does it need to be mentioned every 10 seconds by people demanding its acknowledgement

no one denies they don’t get discriminated against however LGBT representation doesn’t have to exist everywhere and its not an insult for a few places like video games to not be expected to conform to real world society