LGBT+ History Month

I’m fine with that thanks! I hate double standards. More killy less talky!

People can have children without being straight.


Okay. Just as long as you don’t turn around and go back to not caring about / ignoring the presence of straight romance in the game. Y’know, because lying isn’t cool either. Then I can respect your opinion.

Who the heck uses Tinder for romance? :thinking:


Let’s not engage in feels-over-reals rhetoric. There is plenty of straight romance in the game. People just want something in the same vein but for LGBT people.

WoW has never portrayed romance in a dignified or respectful way, so lobbying for is just going to generate more Malf/Tyr style dialogue if it happens.

:arrow_up: Agreed… I know a lot of bi-people that have children. Gay people are perfectly capable of having children as well. You don’t have to be ‘straight’ to have kids.


What about all the NPCs that have partners who don’t get main story status? They also exist and are perfectly fine for what they are.

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In all the years I’ve been playing WoW, romance in this game has never been more than an uncomfortable plot device composed by writers who compose as if they never experienced it in life. I don’t expect them to get it right because this writing team never has.

What is wrong with the family in Elwynn Forest that sends you on a quest to do stuff for them?? They don’t even have to tell you they’re straight. They’re too busy sending you on a quest to save their farm or whatever.

Don’t you think it’s wrong to maintain an unjust double standard just because you don’t care for the way the game writes romance?

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They can leave out any romance type of content. Any hint I’ve seen has been bordering inappropriate.

For example, the moan emote. Sure it’s easy to ignore. It’s still gross how it’s used in some context in the game.

Just leave it all out iMO.


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Agreed, romance isn’t needed to tell a good story.

Romance can be done right, though. If you want no romance at all, like Viktoria said, then a big holiday we celebrate every year in game would be removed.

Unless it’s funny. Like when Marcus has a threesome with a Tauren couple in Legion.

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