LGBT+ History Month

every time a studio pushes identity politics like this in movies they lose money. especially overseas.

it isn’t a winning formula, no one wants to see this blatant politicking type stuff in their entertainment.

that applies to videogames too


Oh hey this is still up, anyone got a TLDR for the new 450 pages of shi i mean stuff?

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Yes. To maximize profits they should do this in every game. It will work. In fact, even if they removed subscriptions and replaced them with lootbox mechanics, they would almost definitely increase their profits. Even if a ton of people left over it, they would probably still increase their profits.

Tell me again that pursuing profits is the only thing that matters.

Yes. I am aware that many people who don’t know or care what words mean call things they don’t like political. Just because many people say something does not make it true.

I mean, unless you’d like to explain how exactly it is that Blizzard is being forced or otherwise pressured by our government to keep LGBT people out of WoW. (They aren’t.)

pretty sure china wouldn’t even allow it

Much like they didn’t allow undead models to show bones. It’s a shame we can’t see bones on our undead.

it wouldn’t work for a complex game like an mmo long term.

WOW wouldn’t exist if they had done stuff like that beyond what they already have, it would have died long ago.

by the way you think ESO is more profitable than WOW.

smartphone and in depth pc games work differently.

long term they make more money by appealing to a dedicated audience…not to say they couldn’t have purely cosmetic options for lootboxes though and still make money…which really makes no difference since they already sell visuals anyway in the game.

social issues are political issues that are debated all the time…and that governments take a stance on. not just in the US but abroad.

it’s like if blizzard had a strong focus on tax rates or single payer healthcare or something like that in the game…excessive politicking isn’t good for the game

Nor even be called death knights
They call em phade knights or w/e on the china dedicated ones.

it’s a bad decision both domestically and internationally. think about all the movies that pushed social issues recently and lost a ton of money or made much less than they most likely otherwise would have.

hollywood has alienated much of their domestic audience and internationally when it comes to social issues people are probably even more alienated by hollywood


Show us one example.
It is not the case, there is no “straight”, just occurs what is normal for 95-97%+ of people on this planet. They do not announce “look how straight this couple is” but with Soldier 76 the news outlets are about only the fact that he is gay…
If there is a gay couple in wow ok, lets wait until something like that appears in a natural way into the lore.
Like Chromie, is actually a male dragon taking the form of a female gnome… have you heard Chromie mentioning how trans she is? No? Then is well done.
Your sexuality/race cannot become 90% of your personality, you are you, an individual.

“Until some fool bombs them. They are also among the first places they think will be targeted by Enemies.”

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Yeah. We’ve admittedly not patched out the security flaw where someone can just drop a nuke on them and blow us all up. We’re working on it, though!


might i recommend with bigger nukes?!?!


i was gonna dislike this thread, but the talk of nukes makes me like it more :smiley:


In what situation would you consider a gay character to not be “forced”?

Well written character who happens to be gay? “Nice retcon/shoving it in peoples faces/etc”

Minor character given a throwaway quest about their wife/husband? “Just filling a diversity quota huh?”

Nevermind the exact same situations with straight characters aren’t given the same amount of scrutiny.

It doesn’t matter to a lot of the “do it well” people. Whatever way its done is going to be scorned as an agenda no matter if its a masterpiece of well written lore or a tiny throwaway quest.

People who do this aren’t arguing in good faith.


i just looked back in here and seen this lol


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Straight stuff? If it weren’t for straight stuff there would be no people, no breeding. Lmao. Homosexuals are in an extreme minority. I guess you were born in the wrong universe.