LGBT+ History Month

“This is Leap Year. The Month has an extra day.”

yeah well the calendar now says 3/1/2020 so officially the month is OVER and its a new one so maybe now we can get back to discussing issues that do matter in WoW and not just FOTM false outrage issue trying to shame people into bending to their political needs

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“In YOUR Time Zone, yeah. But not in ALL Time Zones.”

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the only thing that’s notable of those is really tyrande and malfurion really…

and beyond that they want to appeal to their majority audience. lgbtq is a minority orientation even in western countries so and in many other places you could literally see the game banned on that basis alone.

it doesn’t make sense to push an agenda that gets your game banned to appeal to a niche subgroup

Don’t use the terms “sociopathic business sense” and “sense” interchangeably.

so if they are not shilling for a social agenda they are sociopaths?

it seems trying to appeal to your broadest audience is good


No. It is simply the natural state of a business to have no conscience. It requires conscious effort to change this.

If you define good as “maximizing profits”, then yes. That’s very good. But that’s also sociopathy. Let’s not mince words. As customers, it is not our place to thoughtlessly support whatever makes our favorite companies richer. I don’t think you’d like that logic turned back around against you.


i support not inserting pointless political agendas into games. if anything we get way too much moralizing that the audience doesn’t want these days.

and yes i think corporations should do what their audience wants and not push a social agenda that a handful of annoying activists want.

you get better products when they focus on what consumers want not social activists who don’t represent the majority want.

this is why movies are flopping left and right these days-because they don’t care about what their actual audience wants


i would say the middle ground, since listening to audiences can also be bad…

i mean they did listen to the people pushing for bad ideas, like things batwoman or latest star wars movie

The definition of politics revolves around the governance of people. The existence and inclusion of LGBT people in media does not qualify as politics.

And since you seem to be dead set on arguing from your irrational feelings, I’d like to make you an argument. Since you seem to think that whatever makes Blizzard richer is correct, because that just so happens to benefit YOUR prejudices, I think they should give you what you want by putting valuable gears and items behind real money lootboxs. Maybe they can release a mobile game and shift a considerable portion of their development to that. That is where the money is these days…


they already make mobile games…i don’t know if diablo immortal allows you to buy loot.

also they are different genres…since WOW makes money they can keep wow going and make whatever other games they want.

we pay a subscription so people don’t want to see too many pay to win features, though you can already buy items with real money in this game i mean.

ultimately if they want to make money long term they have to appeal to their general audience…if they add to many features they don’t like people won’t play the game long term.

beyond that social issues are political obviously and are debated all the time.

and it doesn’t make sense for blizzard to take the stance you have described at all in terms of alienating their audience so i think that they should definitely not do so

Reminds me of that martin shkreli dude. Sure that medicine had a huge price tag which meant money for them. That didn’t make it okay at all.


he literally had a monopoly on the product and wasn’t doing what consumers would have wanted at all.

blizzard doesn’t have a monopoly on games and want to appeal to their audience

Ya know a easy way to make money and make people happy? Getting lgbt support. To ignore our money is silly.


they listened to a handful of loud social activists, not the majority of viewers. they did the exact opposite of what i would have said they should do

except it alienates from the majority of their audience, especially overseas. overall they see a netloss in support by a long shot

You are grossly underestimating how much more money Blizzard could be making if they simply hopped on the “technically-not-illegal-gambling” bandwagon. They would probably make more money than they are now off WoW. And they don’t need me to tell them that. They made Overwatch.

Yes, I’m aware that many people incorrectly label things that have nothing to do with our government or its laws as political all the time.

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they already make cosmetic items for WOW…and they also made overwatch where they sell loot boxes as you said so?

people don’t pay for overwatch monthly so…also.

it’s a political issue debated in politics all the time…social issues are political and related to governance obviously, since governments take different policy stances on them all the time.

Remember how people reacted when they said that tracer preferred women?

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Pfft no they wouldn’t. And like I said before. Other versions of WoW and Overwatch exist for this whole reason.