LGBT+ History Month

You can say it’s bad, it’s ok

It’s not how I feel though. Just because I don’t like a song doesn’t make it bad.

Think of places you see families (like the Saldean Farmstead in Westfall). Or zones like Val’sharah the heavily feature Malf/Tyrande. Perhaps iconic, heavily memed quests like Mankrik’s wife. Dialogue between Thalysra and Lor’themar indicating they’re interested in each other. Turalyon and Alleria. Ronin and Vereesa. Heck even going back to Classic there was a quest to put the spirit of a husband to rest in Auberdine. A Forsaken quest has (had?) you get the hands of the man who murdered his wife. I feel like there’s also a quest in Anyport from one male NPC to help woo Xun Xun Sweetflower but I could be wrong on that one.

I feel like I could go on but I’m trying to illustrate that straight romances are highly visible and at times central to the overall plot. Please note, I am not saying these romances are bad, should be removed, or should all be gay. I’m just trying to point out straight romances are employed in quests. I think that, because we’re used to seeing them, they become almost “background noise”.


The thing is that requires
a) Magically deal with climate change while many are still in denial because some benefit from it
b) Not nuke each other in some moronic war killing off the species.

And i have big doubts that those 2 things will happen.

Time isnt infinite

Climate change will always happen, it has happened before it will happen again it is a byproduct of life on earth and the way magnetic polls shift. True North and South are not the same as they were 20 or so million years ago.


true north isn’t the same as it was 3 years ago either. I have been watching the poles shift, it’s 7 degrees off where I live. It’s only supposed to be 3.5

Why are you hesitant to say the new Gorillaz song sucks, Ivy.

Trust me if I really didn’t like it I’d be ranting.

Who are you kidding.

Is the only good Gorillaz song.

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Guess the vast majority of scientist with peer reviewed studies on the subject are wrong and just make a big fuss out of nothing : )

You misunderstand what I am saying. Climate change has happened before it will happen again . You cannot stop the evolutionary cycle the world we live in goes though . We will have another Ice age at some-point , it has happened before in History, it sure will happen again.

Love is love, and if there is some spiritual overlord I would hope it was one that didn’t hate love no matter the form it came in. Love is the only thing that can make civilization… well civil.

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Who am I kidding? Right back at ya, Worgen

Mathematically you would have a bigger chance of us colliding with a Metor then Some all powerful being controlling our life’s coming back .

I am not sure. While I do not subscribe to one religion or another. It seems impossible for us to come from nothing. So what there was some big explosion and that made life? Last I heard explosions end life not make it.

Here is my opinion on the Bible . The Bible is about 80% Fake as the media is today . When I found out the truth about so called * cough * Holy Bible . I was done with Christianity and all religion . Roman Priests wrote the Bible . They made most of it up .
I can tell you that no one is going to die spiritual . The Human Soul is made of Energy that can not die . Everyone can go to Heaven if they chose to. There is no Hell unless you manifest it , than Hell is real . Don’t ever do that .

Don’t worry about Sin . Sin isn’t real . All made up by the Roman Priest . It’s all BS . Even Adam and Eve is not who you think they are .

There is no end to Earth . Earth will go on forever since God doesn’t believe in time . Gaia - Mother Earth . will go through a cycle every 4,000 years .
The human body goes through Death- rebirth and repeat . Its up to the Soul if they want to reincarnate or not .

Billions at the movie theater watching superheros telling you the difference between good and bad. That’s your religion now.

Why not just be a badass on your own, Mercymizery. Even Jesus smacked down lenders in the Temple

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Umm, I do not believe in Religion , and I am not a puppet of the conformist media.

No sheep here .

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well its now the next month so officially this matter should now end because just like the topic theyre trying so hard to push its now history

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