LGBT+ History Month

google foo it is then.

You don’t know them? Feel Good Inc ring any bells?

You are aware a lot of lgbt were sent against their will over something they had no control over and wasn’t dangerous? All because back then the logic was “Well I don’t understand it but this is icky lets just wait til they die”

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I can almost ALWAYS tell you how a person votes based on the first 5 minutes of talking to them. These days all you gotta do is say Donald Trump and you will figure it out even faster.

I am sick? Of what, I just said you would have probably been banned for what you were going to say to the other person.
Yeah I am sick because I do not believe in a world filled with labels. But hey to each there own I respect your opinion. I have to .

Nope I do not, I do not really keep up on the latest music sadly.

I listen to everything from Tegan and Sarah, to the Sissor Sisters, Darn Haze, to Tool , NiN. Love the Doom Soundtrack.

They’ve been a thing since the 2001

And guess what the treatment is depending on the severity of it? Hormones and surgery. Not everyone with it requires hormones or surgery.

It responded to the wrong poster. Bad Blizzard…BAd!

Old school medicine with old school procedures. You’re fighting me here and I am in your corner. With more time studying the condition better treatments could have been developed. Instead of the government studying it to learn more, they just tossed everything aside. Including you. Come on now, this is a good discussion, don’t go off the rails yet.

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This thread lol, Blizzards mods know they cant ban such a thread simply because gamers™ hate women and minorities the OP gets repeatedly reported aka the new downvote.

Pretty sad state but that is why I never use the term gamer™ for myself these days

You might not understand MY methods, but I teach history first, so you will know where we will be heading.

My guy you came here with the aggression. I don’t really bother serious discussion with people that call me one dimensional while knowing really nothing about me.


We, as in humanity speaking very broadly? Yes. Unfortunately, homophobia can be very insidious in the ways that it manifests itself. There are a lot of decent people who don’t recognize or turn a blind eye to more subtle forms of homophobia that are none-the-less still very capable of making life hard for people.

One the ways that homophobia is subconsciously taught to children is by lack of representation in media. When you see heterosexual romances everywhere, and they are everywhere, but you almost never see same-sex romances, it does teach our lizard brains that one of these things is how romance is supposed to be.

That can taint and color our feelings before we’re even old enough to be interested in dating. It affects gay people directly too. I sure know I had a really hard time accepting myself because of this. This phenomenon of societal pressure to be straight is called “Compulsory Heterosexuality”, and it’s so common that while I can’t speak for gay guys, I could ask any one of my gay girl friends and there’s a good chance they’d have a story to share about it themselves.

Sadly, issues like this are much more complicated than there just being good and bad people in the world. And they’re hard to solve too.


Honestly the comments in here are another part of the reason we should just leave gender out of the game completely. I understand underlining story arcs etc, but honestly the world is not ready for a world without borders, devoid of race , sex , religion so forth, where Humans see other Humans for what they are another person that just wants to be loved and treated as they do.

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All any human ever wanted was: Love, Acceptance, and Respect.

But you cant have those things while people are all too busy at the daily grind. Slaving away for worthless paper rectangles. Ain’t life grand?

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Deleted the message, It was a observation but one I shouldn’t of made here. Still stand by it just not the appropriate place for it.

Sorry for that guy :frowning: While I understand his point a view a bit with the frustration of seeing the movement everywhere. (btw I also get why it’s everywhere) I think he is being way too aggressive and it seems to be coming from a place of hatred and not frustration.

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It is almost as if most people due to lacking self awareness are similar to animals who simply follow their nature and feelings and use their limited intellect to excuse said feelings through mental gymnastics.

Humanity is a failed species, it ll wipe itself out way before it ever reaches such a state.

That is a topic of debate that well does not fit here. Sadly a Utopian world where Human kind works for the betterment of the species will never be as there will always be someone wanting to profit off the backs of others.

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I would not say never, we can reach a sense of enlightenment there are people that see the world without regards to race, gender, political and or religious bias. They just see there fellow human for what they are equally as flawed as they are .

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