LGBT+ History Month

Hehe nah dude don’t worry it’s fun to talk about.


Season 2 is coming out this year. Klaus is one of my favorite’s on the show.

Klaus is the drug addled one right? That can see dead people.

Yea . He sees dead people and the drugs helps him block them out.

You ever notice that self medication to block out seeing the dead is a common theme in shows where people have that ability.

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Irony is a lot of the lgbtq community discriminates against pansexual

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Thats the only show I know of that does that. I seen shows like xmen where some mutants takes medications to hidebor cure there abilities.

Ahh now I am excited for umbrella academy s2 xD. I am wondering how they are going to handle the plot with what number 5 did at the end.

The world be a better place if everyone left their sexual preferences in the bedroom where they belong. This is a role playing game, and you can be anything you choose to be, so you’re represented.



I forgot about that, along with “Doom Patrol” it was one of the best newer shows.

It is SO RARE when some really good, sci-fi type show pops up. In the horrible sea of reality/cop/law/brainless sit-com shows which are all that is otherwise on TV.

Sadly, they don’t usually last that long. Rip Firefly, Farscape, Buffy, Angel, Killjoys, Dark Matter, etc. At least Killjoys got a send off/ending; REALLY wishing Dark Matter would at least get a two hour final :sob:

Umbrella Academy season 2:

" The cast began filming season two of Umbrella Academy in June this year (2019), and bearing in mind that Blackman previously said that it takes “around 18 months” to make each series, we first expected it to land towards the end of 2020."

YES, forgot that as well. I like any of that odd, fun stuff.


“Amen to that. Also Eureka. That was a good one too.”

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“I am hoping ‘Sirens’ and ‘His Dark Materials’ come back soon. Those have very great potential.”

Just as I was thinking this, I read your post. I fully agree, they need to focus on writing a good story. Not forcing in situations that not only add nothing to the main story (which suffers more and more every expansion), but serves to sidetrack it.

Blizzard is a pro-LGBT company. o_o They’ve already communicated their choice. People are just voicing what they want to see, the same as any other topic providing feedback on the game. This particular topic gets a lot of pushback from very emotional people making non-arguments against it. It’s very weird, when you stop to think about it.

People are only interested in forgetting about / not talking about LGBT people and LGBT opinions/facts. You would hear an absolutely massive uproar if we treated straight people the way we treat LGBT people in the media.

That being said, harassing people in real life over bad takes is probably a bad way to go about change.

Okay. To remain logically consistent with these big-brained takes, let’s remove all references to heterosexual relationships from the game. We wouldn’t want to be hypocrites with an open double standard, would we?

I have a different view. The best parts of Battle For Azeroth’s story are the zone stories, not the main story. This has been largely the case for WoW’s storytelling since … forever. Even if you go back to Wrath of the Lich King, which I would hazard a guess and say is everyone’s favorite expansion in terms of its main story, the best parts of that story are told through the questing experience instead of in the theme park of cutscenes. …In zones you might not ever bother questing through.

What if we trashed the idea of some grand main story entirely and focused on worldbuilding? What if my next quest was to save some woman’s wife instead of collecting azeurite to save the world?

If you want good writing, I think the main story is actually your enemy. It demands too much focus and can never be good enough for everyone.


Are we truly that homophobic?

they’re all over the place? i don’t really think i see them much at all.

also this game is made for an international audience, doing this could actually alienate the international audience that plays this game

Thank goodness the month is over, please let this thread get buried now.

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You’d be surprised.

I honestly can’t stand it when people go “I don’t hate lgbt I just never want to see them in anything”

That’s just flowery talk for hate imo.

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Then they get a edited version of the game. Simple.

Well no one really asks me my opinions on other things.

I have never seen you in the game, so I wouldn’t be able.