LGBT+ History Month

Hm. So are you thinking chronological order then, or is Origins the one that you think is the best of the series?

From what you’ve said, it sounds like they’re pretty disconnected from one another in terms of narrative, so I can sort of pick any of the good ones?

I like 2 considering that game was made in under a year.

But I like Anders so that might have something to do with it. Origins didn’t age well at all.

Cuz gays don’t need a little escape too.


It’s a tad silly growing up with all the straight media I had to watch yet non lgbt can’t handle 2 seconds of gay


Ehhhhh you kinda need to play both to know certain characters like Hawke, Alistair, Morrigan. It all depends on your choices in both games.

And the idea that if we ask some people are “for” it but not if it is done to appease LGBTQ people is code word for they do not want to seem anti but they are trying to gate keep diversity in game.

We have to ask for representation… because they sure are heck not going to ask for us lol.

Either way OP I support the premise of the thread.


Wait, wha? So, is it like imported saves a la Mass Effect, where it remembers what you’ve done in previous games?

I have a weird feeling I’m gonna end up buying a Steam bundle or something.

Origins (the first one) had the best story imo, but Inquisition (the third one) has the best gameplay. I like them both about the same, but for different reasons. 2 isnt a terrible game but it was a disappointment after Origins. How much you like the companions will probably determine if you like 2, and luckily I loved Merrill.

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They could easily have a transgender character in the story, given the presence of:

It’s the magic fantasy version of hormones and surgery.

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Kinda like that, yeah. 2 imports an Origins save, but for Inquisition you have to go to some Bioware website and fill in a site with all your choices from the previous two games. Its weird.


Sort of. It’s been ages ( no pun intended ) since I played and I just mean lore wise it would help. Your choices can carry over but I’m noooooooooooooot sure if they can in Inquisition. I think it has like. Choices of “hey what did you do for this situation?”

Speaking personally, I have no problem with LGBT representation. I have a problem with it being hamfisted for no reason other than to appease the LGBT crowd. A character should be written excellently, and their background should be something we learn about through things that make sense and mean something. You keep mentioning Dorian from DA:Inquisition.

Did Dorian run up and down the street yelling “I’M GAY” for no reason other than to appeal to the LGBT crowd? No he didn’t. You don’t even know he’s gay unless you do his side quest where he winds up running into this father in the inn (or if you shamelessly flirt with him). That’s a gay character done right. I don’t need to know his personal business, who he sleeps with or who he’s attracted to because it does not define who he is. It is an aspect of him.

Now, here’s a challenge for you. Rather than say we’re all terrible people, how about you come up with a character concept, and a way in which they can be shown to be LGBT that makes sense and is written as spectacularly as Dorian was that fits within the WoW universe.


no one is denying that but when we play WoW we dont stop to ask each player which gender you sleep with and then boot them from the group based on their answer

were not here to honor which gender you want to date or marry etc if you can hold a sword or sling a fireball guess what your part of the group so leave the real world at the door lets kill some digital bad guys end of story


2 also has Lor’themar aka Fenris. It also had probably the most fun combat improvement if you were a mage.

You went from going pew pew with a staff in origin ( or do what I did. Blood Mage / Arcane Warrior. ) to spinning a staff around all crazy and slamming it on the ground

Except that has happened to me quite a few times.

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Blegh, that sounds like a hassle. :\

I’m not sure I believe you on that. :stuck_out_tongue:

So, between the three, which one would each of you say is best? It sounds like Inquisition is?

If there’s a place to start, I think it’s probably a sort of best-foot-forward type of thing.

And why do people just assume they’re asking for a token? Why do straight people seem to be the best judges on what is a token and what is not?


Blizz has actually said the Soulbinds we make in Shadowlands ‘can be done as the result of a very strong friendship, close brothers in arms, or a romantic relationship’ so if there was ever a time for it, Shadowlands would be it.


Play them all in order, including DLCs. There’s a lot of world building there. Get them when on sale.

I mean there’s good and bad with each game.

Inquisition has Dorian’s butt so you can see why it’s my fav

Because you keep making it about politics, and calling people terrible. The OP himself directly references Overwatch which was specifically marketed for no reason other than being a diversity based game.

That being said, you don’t get off without answering my question.

No he didn’t. Acknowledge this.


I’d like to see you do this.


And not only that why is the only acceptable gay one that they can’t tell or don’t know is gay lmao??? Genn is married it’s not a big deal it just is, the game doesn’t handle anything in your face anyways so the entirety of the ask is simply inclusion.

Being LGBTQ is not political, neither is asking for inclusion in a product we pay for, it’s an ask that we have a right to ask for. And there’s really no reason to gate keep unless… … …