LGBT+ History Month

Reminds me of how westboro baptist will take their kids with them to protest. Putting them at risk because if someone throws something at the protestors they have the risk of hurting the kids. And then the parents will use that to their advantage to corrupt their kids more.

Much like how there is no correlation between wanting LGBT representation and wanting to see characters marrying animals, as the slippery slope the previous poster used suggested?

You seem to conflating a Slippery Slope Argument with the idea of easing someone into something. These two things aren’t the same. The latter isn’t even a type of argument. A Slippery Slope argument is when you say “You shouldn’t do A, because if you do A, it will lead to you wanting to do B.”

It’s always fallacious because “No, I only want to do A” is always a logically sound response.

I see two contradictory statements here. You want them to be able to ask for representation, but you also want to engage in rhetoric that silences and drowns out anyone asking for representation. This is hypocrisy.


WHAT? I can’t bully my overly straight’t and inferior descendants?
The elfs stole my lands >:c

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players on here flag for as little as a disagreement so it’s most likely something like that

Well I’ll use queer as folk as another example. That was a very in your face show for the time. Then tv pulled it back a bit after they pretty much stuck their foot in the door.

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I’m just being proactive.

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Also swinging peens and naked bodies.

Keep it civil, keep it respectful, keep adult stuff to adults.

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Watch this blow up on gaming sites. The fact that the OP was flagged to this degree is heinous.

Dude don’t pull that “quoting and changing what I said” crap

Makes a counterpoint without retyping it all.

If your argument can be used against you, is it a good argument?

Either they’re both ok, or both not ok.

I can’t recall anything bad happening to children at pride.

And no I don’t consider anything related to the WBC as okay. A pride event is about tolerance and acceptance. WBC is the total opposite so no that “its all okay or none of it is okay” doesn’t work here


It’s also patently dishonest though. Misquoting is a form of logical fallacy.

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Then I will requote with things changed from here out.

A little spammy but whatever.

Man what pride parades have you been watching?

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The ones people link to me and say wtf is this?

You know, the ones that shouldn’t be happening.

The ones that solidify people’s belief that lgbt are all just perverts.

The ones circulating in public.

As a community, less of that, more being “normal people” to show that we are, in fact, normal people.

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Link one.

You can’t. Because they don’t exist.

I’m not sure what you meant but misquoting people is definitely not cool in terms of having a reasoned discussion. It’s mis-attribution and prevarication. The best way to respond to a quote is just that. Respond .

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Do you think that it’s impossible or even difficult for people to video tape straight people being weird in public and send it around saying “wtf is this?”

Why do you think this only gets attention why gay people do it? :stuck_out_tongue:


I mean humans period are pretty perverted. Then again I’m usually pretty chill with sex positive things.

Reminds me of some videos covering the Trashy subreddit.

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