LGBT+ History Month

Every other “Florida man” story in the news.



Poor Florida man. May his soul yet again be at peace.


Take an argument, change a word, see if it holds up.

“If someone truly believed ‘straight white male’ was a slur, they have a major victim complex.”

“If someone truly believed ‘fa-bomb’ was a slur, they have a major victim complex.”

Does it hold water?


No but if I called you a ‘breeder’ then that comparison would hold weight.

But you seem to have a tighter grip on your junk than you do reality.

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Why is that?

Dude that video screams smear campaign. One of the comments is clearly saying nothing like that happened

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I think you could find alot of shady stuff straight people do but they won’t blame a whole sexual orientation over like we are some sort of hivemind…



Sorry, comparisons are out I guess.

Because “straight white male” is and will never be on the same level of offensiveness as :bundleofsticks:

It just won’t be.

But me calling someone a breeder would be.

Edit: I take that back. It wouldn’t be the same. No. Because we still get thrown off buildings and stoned to death and beat up in city streets for bring LGBT+. We have the highest suicide rates for a reason.


All names mentioned here are laughable without a victim complex.

You make babies! Ok and?

You like other girls! Ok and?

You like other boys! Ok and?

You’re a cis white male! Ok and?

Jokes on you. :wink:

You sound very polarizing. I have been to some of those parades. Most of the people who attemd are actually straight. Sure you get called slurs on your way to them by random strangers you don’t know. But the vibe is pretty chill. You see alot of companies advertising their. And you feel amazed at how many people similar to you there are at one place. Something that is uncommon. But sure go by your outrage internet videos for your insight…


Misdsumma Festival here in Melbourne has this exact vibe every year.

I’ve left some of them in disgust because of what others were doing.
Anecdotes are fun.

No they are the same thing. Instead of “easing someone into something” it’s “easing society into something”. The previous poster’s POV is more hyperbolic than I’d believe. Marrying animals is a bit too big of a jump to be considered reasonable for most and even more so to have a large enough group to actually push for it’s exposure. But lets not pretend that there aren’t people who think that everyone should be inclusive towards that.

Nowdays it seems like there is no consensus of a line for what is too far out there. I mean there is a documentary out there interviewing a man talking about wanting “relations” with young kids and trying to paint is as just another preference. Most people know there are videos on adult websites featuring animals. And ive seen a video on youtube where millennials were being asked for their thoughts on incestuous relationships and most of them thought it was okay.

Also how does, “I’d just like to see them make a good story and not force characters into the game just to check a box off the diversity checklist” = rhetoric that silences and drowns out anyone asking for representation? That’s a neutral POV that doesn’t even address my personal feelings about featuring diverse relationships.

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Honestly the only time I had little fun during a pride parade was the leather folks with extra loud motorcycles or that one time a guy seriously tried to strangle me.

The only loud leather motorcycle person I will listen to is Rob Halford.


Good strangle or bad.

Sad we have to ask these questions.

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