LGBT+ History Month

Are you gonna be upset with me if I tell you I’ve never played a Dragon Age game before?

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And you’re incorrect, and grossly overstating things. Speak for you and only you. If you don’t wanna be nice, don’t be nice. But I know plenty of LGBT folk who are quite kind.


To be fair, it is quite a tricky race to channel. Maybe wine helps? :joy:

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Can you generalize any more than you are?

Copious amounts of Arcwine is needed. :crazy_face:

I think they are just saying that the boring nice gays are often outnumbed by us edgy tired gays who dont bother with pretend niceties :3


It was said mostly as a bitter joke. Apologies. Text kinda ruins tone

See they get it

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Because respect and civilized behavior are never boring. Regardless of what or who you want to sleep with.


We probably wouldn’t survive the trial to be a true nightborne :stuck_out_tongue:.

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You should be upset with yourself for missing out on them, if anything.

I did have such a silly grin on my face when i was leveling an alliance alt and heard dorians voice actor for some kul tirans.

Just “…Amatus?”


In my defense, I did buy Dragon Age 2 back in the day, but found out that my system wouldn’t run it.

I probably still have the box laying somewhere around the house, but I haven’t seen it in a long time and haven’t had the time or inclination to go looking. Is that something I should rectify?

Dragon Age 2 is the worst of the three, so I wouldnt heavily push towards playing that one. I still like the companions a lot, but the combat and environment design and story leave a bit to be desired.

10\10. Good show.

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I was kind of afraid you’d say that. :frowning:

Is there a good jumping-off point in the series that you’d recommend for a first-timer? Any other games I might’ve played that handle similarly, perhaps?

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I wouldn’t say that.

You and your special someone do some window shopping at the AH, grab a bite out in Dal, then go slaughter a village for loot… sounds pretty romantic to me!


WoW is about killing dragons and saving helpless lazy people find their lost books or get their worthless junk back from the fish men that stole because it was shiny were not here to have a pride parade down main street

bottom line is that’s a real world issue we came here to escape reality and have fun not run around waving a banner saying look at me im different or special so shower me with affection because of it

were all players no one cares if your black white male female or questions your ability to slay digital demons because of it

your characters ability to stomp the legion isn’t determined by gender preference or geographical location so why make it an issue to let it influence how you should be treated?

imagine how raids would be handled if we allowed political correctness to be used as a measure to determine how to hand out loot?

if a TG player didn’t win the loot roll could he use that as a claim of his “civil rights” were violated and demand the loot be awarded to them?

yeah I know that’s bit of an overdramatic exaggeration of an example but it proves a point that say it does start becoming an issue in WoW where will it end?


Started playing like 2ish months before legion. When I did it for tmogs I pretty much 1 shot everything and then leave.

Not to mention inclusion is neither politics nor throwing it in faces. The fact that LGBTQ exist and we want some representation is neither a problem nor politics, and the fact that some people are privileged enough to never have to ask for representation speaks volumes to both their privilege and the fact that they see people’s existence as political or in their face.


I would just say start with Origins, the first one. Though, the stories of the three are vaguely connected but they’re about different things with different main characters, so you dont necessarily have to play either of the first two to play Inquisition, for example.