LGBT+ History Month

I didn’t read the entire thread so I’m sorry if any of this has already been said.

I wish people would stop hiding behind “it’s a fantasy game - why is this RL crap making it in? LGBT issues shouldn’t be in here.” Your fantasy world doesn’t have any LGBT people in. Just stop and think about what that says about you that you would prefer your world with dragons and elves to not have LGBT. It’s being a bigot. You want a world without any of us.

Straight relationships are shown constantly in game. The people who say “well, why should it matter what a bunch of pixels do?” have never had to go without their stories being visible. Of course it seems trivial to people who have always had it in WoW and in virtually every other form of media.

“Well you already have a whole month!” - Pride month exists because we have to daily live with people telling us we are abominations and suggest that we self-harm. Many of us have lost jobs, friends, and even family over who we are.

To you, it’s pixels. To some people it’s being visible when so much of the world wants you dead or invisible.


romantic relationships aren’t a key part of the game in general so…

i don’t really see what you’re talking about

What’s wrong with invisible?

As in, not standing out from what is considered normal?

I thought that was the end goal.


And to do that you need to normalize it first.

If you do nothing, that’s all that happens. Nothing.

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We were getting there quickly before everything started becoming superultramegagay or you’re just not gay enough.

Suddenly people started saying hey, cool your jets, its getting weird.

I have a problem with extremist lgbt activists.

I disagree considering how only just a few years ago gay marriage was deemed okay.

But eh if that’s just something we disagree with then aight.

That was a win. Changing hearts and minds.

Now we have drag queen story time for kids and Desmond is amazing 9 year old burlesque.

Something went terribly wrong.


Normally I’m okay with letting kids wear boy or girl clothes. But yeah I’m not a huge fan of that whole desmond thing.

That’s the crappy thing. Terrible people will take any chance they have to ruin anything.

But I still don’t think that’s a reason blizz should avoid more lgbt stuff in their games. The chill majority shouldn’t have to be bored or left out thanks to some jerks.


Most games to feature lgbt content recently have to be over the top or it’s a media crapstorm thanks to insane twitter extremists.

We don’t need anymore bad representation.

It wrecks companies, it’s a pr nightmare, it harms the lgbt movement far more than it helps.

A less divisive approach is better.

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Tracer and Soldier were good.


I don’t like retro-active representation. It’s bland and uncreative.

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Soldier made sense to me since they show him looking at that photo ages before the reveal.

They just sadly had the really bad timing of being after Diablo Immortal.

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In Brisbane we had an event hosted by Drag Queens. The performers had 5+ years experience in youth work/education and had the proper WWC checks. They were fine.

The issue for me, was when Right-wing students showed up, protested by yelling at the artists and made the children cry.


I’m aware. Still made sense to me.

That and I’m kind of a sucker for “macho character is actually gay” type. It throws people off and I find it funny.

Children shouldn’t be exposed to burlesque shows, that’s an adult entertainment thing and I will fight it tooth and nail.

Let them be innocent a little before the weight of the world crushes them.

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See that sounds cool. The desmond situation had him in a club with grown men throwing money at him and people only found out because someone secretly recorded it. Cameras weren’t allowed.

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I’d hardly call it a burlesque show, they were in drag, but they were primarily doing activities like arts and crafts, telling stories and sing alongs.

As opposed to


“Arts and crafts”

Leave it at the club.

Soldier 76 story got to me : /. American soldier that gave up love to protect America including someone he loved.