LGBT+ History Month

I admit I was annoyed with a psychologist that kept referring me to someone else several suburbs away so I changed my shrink

Psychologists can prescribe meds in 5 states and through the Public health Service, the Indian Health Service, the US military and also in Guam.

Iā€™m aware but from my own personal experience, the psychiatrists are the more pill pushy people

I donā€™t agree with those, they make people zombies and are have worse withdraws than opioids. The h word drug is a banned word.

But I am not a medical professional, so theres that.

ā€œEven Natural Medicines need training to apply right. A LOT of training. Only Fools go in blindly. IMHO.ā€

Whenever I think of ā€œhomeopathic medicineā€, it reminds me of the episode of South Park dealing with ā€œholistic medicineā€.

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They have a wider authority due to the fact that they are medical doctors.

Trust me this is a much better state for me than how I was before. My issue is borderline personality disorder causes you to switch from extreme emotion to extreme rapidly. ( you could compare it to bipolar but bipolar goes thru longer shifts between emotions. BPD is way more rapid )

Iā€™m not saying I know better Iā€™m saying this is seriously how my psychologist described it to me

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ā€œJust remember, Holistic and Homeopathic are NOT the same. The first relies on prayer, the second one relies on Earth.ā€

Iā€™m like, totally a reiki healer. Let me do some lay on hands and itll all be ok.

Join my drum circle.

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ā€œI have been a Natural Healer all my life. Grew up learning about the Healing Powers of Earth. I prefer that.ā€


ā€œSorry. I was being serious. Good clip, though.ā€

I too share some druidic beliefs.

Mostly itā€™s based on being human. Eat real food, exercise.

Youā€™d probably love my garden.

Stay away from prepackaged junk and fast food. Too much high fructose corn syrup.

ā€œAnd you would love my Lapidary Collection.ā€

ā€œI am married to a professional cook. We donā€™t do junk food.ā€

Well my main argument was that corporations should not take advantage of any group of people to get extra credit for being ā€œvirtuousā€

Is more, there is nothing wrong if a character (lets say, Anduin?) turns out to be gay, there will be nothing wrong as long as it is something normal (portrayed as something unimportant to him as a totality, Anduin is Anduin, not ā€œa stereotipical gay that will do gay things, think like a gay and make sure that you know that he is veganā€¦ AHAM gayā€, lets make his character about who he is and his potential, not just a propaganda paper that serves no other purpose to the history other than be an agenda. But do not worry, at least on this regard Blizz has handled it ok. Just look at Kerrigan/Nova, strong females, they are strong characters that happen to be women, they arenā€™t a propaganda, they are good and well developed characters, unlike Qhira, a Heroes of the Storm new hero, unlike other heroes (even the ones that were made up from nowhere had comics or were heavily requested by the community AND were things that existed on Warcraft/Starcraft/Diablo) she had no satisfactory lore/background, you can clearly see that she is a ā€œlook people we have a black womanā€ā€¦ at least she is fun to play as butā€¦ come on give her a comic or something to not make it that obvious. That is what happens when you create characters for the sole purpose of promoting an agenda (whether it is with a good or bad intention), the quality vanishes.


Just what WoW needs. A Lando Calrisian and toaster romance. And we all know how well that worked out for Star Wars. :roll_eyes:


This is a fantasy game. I want an adventure. Not a day time soap opera. I really donā€™t care whether Thrall and Agra live happily ever after any more than I care if Johnny and Jimmy live happily every after. More dragons please, less ā€œdramasā€.

i donā€™t want any sort of romance or drama type stuff in this game period.

itā€™s called world of warcraft and should be about war and matters of stateā€¦not a soap opera