LGBT+ History Month


i frightened myself :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Honestly if they add it so be it. First and foremost it cannot alter any current chr development or lore and it has to be contextual and tasteful .

Where is the world ending meteor its overdue

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This thread is going just as well as one would expect.


Professor Kimmel would not be the greatest example of a genuine advocate for women’s rights. I’m surprised anyone brought that guy up what with the scandal. He barely managed to keep his tenure. All the same, there are plenty of people in academia that aren’t predators.


“And a major number were just Mid-Wives and Herbalist, that the Medical Professionals wanted out of the Business, because the Women would accept trade (Food, Work on stuff, clothing, etc.) for healing, and were driving the Doctors out of Business. So they declared them Witches, and burned them.”

Your name. 10/10.


Well that’s the issue I have with being a part of all these men’s rights marches and other things, it’s been my experience that those that cloak themselves with righteousness often are deeply disturbed and dark underneath.

If I ever attend any of those marches, I know that I have to make it clear that I am not here to virtue signal, I am here to confront the darkness within my own heart.

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Ah the old essential oils facebook club.

Yeah that was my bad, I wasn’t aware of the scandal. My exposure to Kimmel has been solely through Academic Journals and interviews so I had very little knowledge of his personal life and how disgusting he is.

Sorry for sourcing him fam.

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I’m feeling attacked here not gonna lie. :rage:

Just because SOME paladins become dks…

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Which is a shame because there’s quite a few things men need support with. Like letting guys know “Dude THERAPY IS AWESOME YOU’RE NOT WEAK. GO SEE SOMEONE” Because a lot of them grow up associating getting help with “being weak”

The rest is stuff I can’t really mention here.

An awesome way to get hooked on endless meds with meds for side effects of meds for side effects of…

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No thanks keep your nonsense out of the game.

Well, we are dealing with humans…

Yeah, totally the people I would trust to take care of my little sister <3

Overdue? The meteor must be enjoying this show we call life, why cancel it?

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That’s a psychiatrist. I’m talking Psychologists.

Psychiatrists are the pill pushers.
Psychologists are just the ones you chill with and talk

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That refer you to

“I don’t do Fakebook, so I have no idea what you are referring to. Sorry. I get my learning from History Professors, and people like that.”

There’s a massive group of crazies doing homeopathic medicine with essential oils who are injuring themselves and their kids.


Only if the psychologist really thinks you absolutely have to go. This happened when mine realized I had borderline personality disorder and suggested I try mood inhibitors.

Going the other way around is almost guaranteed to get you a poor diagnoses and you’re stuck with something that you can’t quite quit cold turkey right away.