LGBT+ History Month

It is if you don’t get court approval for it.


That is what I thought to. But it seems not the case if there is no custody agreement. It’s freaking nuts. So there is a way to legally kidnap.

You really missed my point dude. I also never said cis were evil. Scared humans are evil.

This again? Who says I haven’t?

For real, just look at all the haters on gen d calling us Human Male Paladins .



#lghtrights (get it? Lght. Light. Heyooo)

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“To all of you who are feeling oppressed, depressed, alone, misunderstood, not good enough, etc. This song is for ALL of you…”


First, there are “slippery slopes” that have reasonable logic and there are some, like the example you gave, that are just ridiculous. Eating and single apple doesnt have any correlation with whether or not you are vegetarian.
Here’s a reasonable example. You have someone who lives on a junk food diet. You want them to eat healthy. You will more than likely get them to alter their diet if you gradually introduce good foods into it and slowly eliminate bad foods. However if you try to force them to go vegetarian in one day they will completely reject the change.

Secondly, people of both groups can ask for what they want. I dont know where you see a double standard. I’d just like to see them make a good story and not force characters into the game just to check a box off the diversity checklist. Which is what most people pushing it want.


different laws in different countries.
eg: in australia, they’ll issue a federal warrant for the missing people.

…while in some countries, you’ll be protected providing you’re a parent.

never heard of him/her.
sounds like they need to open a dictionary.

this isn’t a chicken or egg issue.
the dictionary came first.

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If it is wrong for extremist/religious people to do it, why would you do the same towards people that have done nothing wrong?



ask the folks of Salem.

Clearly those were witches though.

Can’t have people who arent worshipping the light, that’s how you get warlocks and fel and void lords.


…where the heck did I say I’d want that done to non lgbt?

You didn’t, Twitter and reddit on the other hand…

Those guys are worse than evangelicals.


Well, no actually. A few were slaves and bonded servants. Others were mentally disturbed. Others were people that owned property upon which various accusers cast a covetous eye. Others were adulterers who had spouses with a wish for vengeance.

I’m hoping your response was tongue in cheek, yes?

Sounds like something a witch would say. AND you play a warlock.

Fire up the stake, we got a live one! :wink:


The massive death toll I’d beg to differ but eh

Wait a minute, evangelicals are killing people? I thought they just scammed them out of money.

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Oh wait frick I mixed up the words faithful with evangelical


I get ya my stupid mental dictionary just went way off lol

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Oh lol , this person is saying that black people can’t be racist towards white people?

an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insult them or damage their reputation.
“the comments were a slur on the staff”

Lets preach equality, ok? It is wrong to say “these people are too black to argue” as it is wrong to belive that “these people are too white to understand”

Sorry but the true is that most of those people are very biased towards subjectivity and a single narrative that continue to repeat itself in their echo chamber.

People look at this:

Act 1

  1. Kimmel is a spokesperson of the National Organization for Men Against Sexism (NOMAS)

Act 2

  1. Kimmel, a vocal advocate for women’s rights and author of books including Angry White Men: American Masculinity at the End of an Era

Act 3

  1. In 2018 he was publicly accused of sexual harassment.

The allegations against Kimmel were [first reported]by the Chronicle of Higher Education, which cited comments by a former graduate student. The former student, who asked to remain anonymous, said Kimmel had suggested they have sex six weeks into her graduate course, and later in her career. She added that he had complimented her appearance, and remarked that she would have to work hard to prove that she had reached her position as a result of her academic talents, and not because she was sleeping with someone.

Following the report, another former graduate student published a detailed account of their time working with Kimmel on the website [Medium]. Bethany Coston, now assistant professor of gender, sexuality and women’s studies at Virginia Commonwealth University, accused Kimmel of sexist behaviour, such as giving paid work to male students while women were expected to work for free. Coston also accused Kimmel of homophobic and transphobic attitudes, and of a lack of respect for anyone but cisgender heterosexual men.