LGBT+ History Month

Honestly there is no good way to brooch this subject and it CAN’T be forced unless you want a heavy handed backlash. Blizzard has a hard enough time creating game mechanics that aren’t just systems upon systems and you trust them to write a compelling lgbt character? For all we know there already are lots of them in the game but they’re written in a way that isn’t “oh hello sailor…”. Wow is a game of memes, look at our dances, jokes and gnomes, it would be pretty rude to meme somone for their sexuality :stuck_out_tongue:

IF they were to do this however I would want it to be a new character(s) and not changing someone because of “inclusion”. Let us meet this character, help them with some problems or heck them help us just don’t make it too in your face. Being inclusive can be a good thing or it can be absolutely repulsive it’s X character today and tomorrow who, a child?

While I have nothing against the LGDTQ community, when I play WoW, I want to escape all the political and societal hot topics. I want to immerse myself in the lore and gameplay of World of Warcraft without the bleeding of reality into fantasy.

If you need a game to justify your choices in life, you are very poor at living.

Stop putting politics and your personal modern agenda in a game.

Remember just because you view something is right and a new poll agrees and your college “professor” approves, does not make it right.


which part of the world do you live in where it’s illegal to live as you want?

Okay cool. What about the lgbt gamers that wanna escape into wow too?

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Illegal and not right are different things.


Seriously? You do know you can’t live the way you want, not all the time in any fashion without consequences - even the flawed view of acceptable social norms/conventions prevent it on a very basic level.

I was being a bit more philosophical then I might have needed, but sometimes you have to make it simple.

I’d image they’d just play the game like everyone else.

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Also question. Why is gay people existing politics but it’s not for non lgbt?


Why are you asking me that?

Ah apologies I got you mixed up with zoxpox.

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Everyone at my work thinks I’m straight. If I were to suddenly come out would that feel forced for them? Lol. No people act how they act and come out whenever they want.

I hate this argument when your life is considered politics. Your existence is politics, your inclusion is politics. It blows. Apparently I AM POLITICS.

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Sorry but it is an argument none-the-less. When you force your opinion on others via the political system and bullying, by ridiculing and calls of intolerance, anyone that opposes your view, you make it all about politics. (Not saying you personally, but “you” universal that hold to such a view).

I would say it is more of your opinion then arguement. Because it is based on your views as well. I am sure people would be mad if all playable characters were male only for example. And saying women have all this political baggage and we don’t want them in-game. It reminds us of woman’s rights…


Oh you mean like straight people have done to lgbt? Oh but that’s different right?

Least we don’t have straight conversion “therapy”

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nope, they’re pretty much the same thing.

laws tell us what is right from wrong.

Somethings that are legal are not right
While something that are illegal are not wrong.

But in general you are mostly on point with that. Justice system isn’t perfect it’s kinda broken.

“not right” by whose standards?

got any examples of things which are “not right” but still legal?

Sure i’ll speak from a personal experience I had a issue with a few year back. Kidnapping is legal if you are not divorced. You actually have no rights atleast in my state unless you have some sort of child custody agreement. When my then wife now ex. Took off with my kids I tried to press charges and was pretty much told unless there is a custody agreement nothing can be done. I ended up spending a better part of my year trying to track her down just so I could get papers delivered so I could get my parental rights. This isn’t right but was still legal.

they’re her kids too.
…so no, it’s not kidnapping.
i’m sure you wouldn’t have seen it as kidnapping or wrong if you were the one who chose to disappear with the children.