LGBT+ History Month

Hate to tell you but it was a slur to diminish or disavow what another person was trying to say .


How has this post not been removed? Stop allowing things like this to be posted in a game forum.


I just assume Blizzard take out any and all romantic relationships before going down this road. Besides, it’s never ever going to be enough to make the LGBT community happy.

I think they will be happy when every Innkeeper looks like Mario from Cagister of a Insect cage.

I will admit, Mario is a pretty awesome character and wouldn’t mind one inn keeper like that.

The title of this thread needs to be changed as it is highly misleading.

All in all though let’s go down the rabbit hole and they add it . What next. How about poligemy ? Do they need representation, what about religion and atheists. What about people that like animals … You get the idea .

Problem with society today is everything has to be accepted and validated. You can’t create anything anymore without some group taking offence .

While I love my fellow human. No I do not want there artistic expression altered or changed . We are not special snowflakes that need to be pandered too. I mean that as a whole LGBTQ + , straight or otherwise.

Ps. If you are alien we understand your not wanting to communicate with us . Cause as of yet earth still lacks intelligent life.


I’m all for it. If they plan on adding more romance into the game, why not plan for some gay romances? Nothing wrong with it and It would be nice to see the minority be represented more in games.

Wouldn’t it be better if they just removed romance from the game entirely. This is WAR craft not LOVE craft.


The romance parts have been the worst parts of the game, yes. Thrall and Aggra. :face_vomiting:


Slippery Slopes are a fallacy, not an argument. You’re also invoking the language of the actual monsters who, in real life, compare marrying people of the same sex to marrying animals. This is actual “LGBT people aren’t people” rhetoric you’re invoking by making that argument.

Uuuh… Pretty sure we have bigger problems with society than overly emotional reactionaries being offended by other people being offended by stuff. But okay. I’m going to start by not accepting or validating that rhetoric you used earlier. Seriously, kinda messed up. You should probably walk that back.

So you like free artistic expression? Okay, that’s cool. I can get down with that. Then if Tyrandre can spend an entire questline fussing over her husband, some other elf lady can have a quest fussing over her wife. We’re in agreement then that telling Blizzard not to put LGBT relationships in the game is an unnecessary restriction on their artistic liberties, and that asking them to create stories featuring LGBT characters qualifies as “pro-making-art” since those stories are a type of art.

Stories just need good characters. If you start thinking about things like “representation” the quality of your characters and your story will suffer.

The only thing I care about NPCs are what loot they give me. I don’t care about their politics, their identity or their gender. Just don’t give me useless rewards for doing your dirty work.

No…it’s all about “feelings”!1!

How are they a fallacy? It’s common knowledge that if you want to change someone or something you have to do it in small increments. That’s how society as a whole has transformed as much as it has. The norms have moved slowly so it was easier for people to accept the shift.

As for your last bit, there is a difference between just letting blizzard make their art as they see fit and telling them what kind of picture you want them to paint. At that point it isnt their art anymore. And those asking are just looking to check off a box. Its pandering as the above poster said.

How do know if there aren’t a ton of LGBTQ characters already in the game? For all we know there might be quite a few. The story just doesn’t focus on that aspect of those characters.

Baby steps OP. They just added black and asian humans, we gotta give it some more time.

The Slippery Slope Fallacy: If you do A, you will eventually want to do B.

This is indefensible logic. Say I go out one morning and buy an apple instead of enjoying some bacon and eggs. My overly emotional, uncritical friend decides that eating more apples is a slippery slope to becoming vegan. Therefore, I should not have bought that apple

Logic Error A) The fact that I bought an apple does not mean that I will eventually replace my diet with apples and other non-meats. It means I wanted a damn apple.

Logic Error B) Even if we assume that me going vegan, the slippery slope scenario, is undesirable, that does not make eating apples undesirable.

Slippery Slopes Arguments are a fallacy because they A) operate on an assumption and B) do not address merit of the original request.

So telling them what kind of picture you want them to paint is okay when that picture is free of LGBT folk, but when LGBT folk ask Blizzard to consider representing them that’s artistic censorship? What an odd double standard.

Blizzard has never claimed that an LGBT free Warcraft universe is part of their artistic vision. So why exactly is it that people leap out of the woodworks to defend this artistic principle that, to be clear, we have absolutely no reason to believe Blizzard holds and every reason (Overwatch) to believe they don’t? Do you think that asking an artist to draw something fundamentally violates their artistic freedoms?

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Like a poster asked above, how do you know there aren’t a ton of LGBTQ characters already in the game?

I can’t believe Burt Reynolds died.

hit the nail on the head completely.

what npcs do behind closed doors is none of our business.

there are plenty of mm/ff npc relationships.
if people want to assume that those relationships are strictly platonic, that’s just a personal conclusion they’re jumping to.

they have the option to choose to interpret relationships how they want, but that’s not enough.
…for some reason, people feel they need to be told about the private lives of npcs.

We don’t. And in fact, there is evidence to at least… suggest that there are both gay and trans characters in the lore. Not bulletproof evidence, but it’s there. Why do you ask?