LGBT+ History Month

Add me to the: “Sure, why not?” Camp.

Also think OP shouldn’t have been flagged.

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If it adds to the story fine great roll with it.

But don’t force it like they have in overwatch.

They have literally been just virtue signaling with Tracer and S76 being gay. Which again I don’t mind, but you can tell they clearly only did it to brown nose, and pander to the ultra PC crowd.

Outside of super major characters like Jaina, Anduin (kinda), or Thrall, romance doesn’t really get “lore” treatment. It’s just something implied in the background via passing dialogue, surnames, and occasionally idle animations.

With as little as we see actual “lore” for love interest stuff in WoW, it’s not surprising (or bigoted, or unfortunate, or anything else) that what -is- portrayed is Straight. If you pick a handful of people out at random on the street, there’s a good chance they’re all straight too. That’s not a problem.

That said, WoW -does- have at least a couple instances of this implied LGBT romance. Those 2 in Arathi near the farms in the middleish of the map come to mind. I think they were Night Elves? I can’t remember for sure. Then there’s the Nightborne and the Blue Dragon in the 2nd half of Suramar’s Questing. I don’t know their names. They were both very magey.

I’m sure there are more, those are just off the top of my head.

Sappy song and wayyy too country for me. But the world could learn a lot from it.

…warning this is like a boy band gone country it’s a terrifying mix. But could be inspiring for the human race.

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I feel you… I am left handed x’D
I am forced to deal with things made for 90% of the people whom aren’t like me…

That’s racist towards trolls >:c



I went because I was friends with a couple of guys that liked the place. According to them, they had the best pool table in town, cheap drinks, good music… wasn’t allowed in because I wasn’t into guys. My friends and I went to another club and their whole circle stopped going there. 2 years later that club is no longer around and the place that is now there, while targeted at the LGBT+ crowd has a “we don’t care who you like; come get a drink and have fun” policy.

I’ve had a few same sex couples as friends over the years. Best wingpeople I ever had was a female couple… I swear they could get me a date in a convent… then again, they got really scary when I just threw on a t-shirt and jeans… after that I wasn’t allowed to leave the house until they “approved” of what I was wearing.

We all had the same philosophy: I’m me. You’re you. You be you, I’ll be me. It worked quite well.

We all have our struggles. We all have our crosses to bear. Regardless of any labels we wear; the real issue is the division we cause ourselves and the propaganda being used to widen that division … progress cannot be made while any group is dismissing or vilifying another. Until people can stop seeing anyone with a different opinion/lifestyle as an enemy, we will never make true steps towards understanding each other.

As long as we continue to see the label, instead of the person, we will never see this chasm bridged.


Is this a legit month now?

Using a month to celebrate lgbt+ identities and history has been a thing since 1994

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There is a month, week, or day for just about anything. People want to feel special.

Stunning AND brave

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Oh, no, it’s definitely a way to fill up a list. When you check one off, they’ll start demanding the next box get checked off. And the next. And the next. And the next. Ad infinitum.

People have accused Overwatch of not being diverse enough. Overwatch. Let that sink in. I’m not lying, look up some of the articles and threads from when they announced Sigma. Hooh!

There’s no pleasing that crowd, best to ignore them.


Can I ask a really dumb question…

How would special representation actually work, do you give people an option on their toon to say they are straight, gay, queer etc…it seems a bit silly, as there’s a lot more to a person then their sexual orientation

Generally, people would be happy with just having a relevant/semi-relevant character identifying as they do. So wlw, mlm, etc.


Well I did a quick google search for “gay characters in wow”…

Garrosh Hellscream was the first name that came up

Who are you directing your question to? Anyone? I personally would for example in the goblin starting zone pick which one of those was your gf/bf. That would have been good. But that’s already decided, from a personal character choice.

From the story I don’t think it would be “special” representation. Just any regular representation would be appreciated. I know some people ship the 2 human rogue males for some reason… I don’t see it but then again I never saw Jaina and Malygos being a thing… We saw Thrall find Aggra and get a wife and have kids. We saw Thalysra hitting on Lorthemar big time. We saw Slyvanas and Nathanos have a lovely moment. Garrosh and Zaela became warbuddies with benefits…

The Nightborne female flirt/joke is also a nice nod to the lgbtq+ community.

Proof that Douglas Adams faked his death…CONFIRMED!

This does help you doesn’t it?

We don’t need any real-world toxicity in this game. That’s the only reason you’re doing it. The only time I see people bringing this up is because they wanna start a flame war and need attention.

Keep your personal life… PERSONAL.


Every time I see this generation stomp around like this I wanna move to Mars. This last 10 years has ushered in the most toxic, self-serving, narcissistic generation in history.

I would love to log into this game and not be bothered by it.

I play games to take my mind off the non-sense going on in the world.