LGBT+ History Month

and right here, we have a winner.

people need to stop putting other people into boxes.

people need to stop with the compulsion to put THEMSELVES into boxes.

i’m a bit over hearing about “community”, when the community chooses to exclude others.
there’s already a community, and it’s called the human race.

people need to stop arbitrarily segregating themselves, and then complaining that they’re being left out.


Except for the fact that straight people don’t have to deal with issues for being straight, because noone bats an eye at straight people for being straight, and if you think someone has ever been shamed for being straight, that’s just not true.

Yet calling someone straight white male is used to invalidate anything a person has to say. Take off the blinders. Straight people are constantly getting shamed for their so called Privlege. Constantly being shamed because of what other straight people do. There is this hatred to the group simply because there is a few bad apples.


I am not trying to vilify anyone, I am stating a fact you want a class of people to be treated as equals, start treating everyone else the same way you want to be treated. To get respect you have to give and earn respect.

The world is not going to spoon feed anything or give you a handout, and tbh LGBTQ is not the first nor last minority group (honestly it is more a Majority group anymore), to be persecuted. Honestly Blacks, Hispanics and Jewish had a harder time with it then the LGBTQ community could ever dream of having it.

Parthenogenesis in humans never produces viable embryos, though, because unfertilized eggs lack specific instructions about gene expression from the perm. In general, our cells have two functional copies of each gene.

***Cause apparently the actual spelling of the word is blocked ?


“It is not RP. I talk to myself when I type/write. I am quoting myself, if you really must know. It’s just a silly posting habit.”

Seriously? That is really weird. I thought you was just a RPer cause I seen it in RP communities in the past. But now I think you are just eccentric lol.

Why is this still flagged? People on these forums hate the LGBT+ community, yeah, but Blizzard should unflag posts where people demonstrate that.

“And mostly Harmless.”

Yeah still not buying the junk science. You would be hearing all the loonies talking about immaculate conception all the time on the news.

emphasis on “mostly”. :upside_down_face:

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Must feel terrible being called out for holding systematic oppresion for centuries against homosexual people, by a small group of gays in an echo chamber. I’m so sorry.
I very much doubt you will be assaulted by a gay person outside of very toxic twitter accounts and communities.

I’m starting to wonder if any of you have ever interacted with a gay person in real life? Outside of the very obvious toxic radicalists? the very same outliers that harass others within the LGBTQ community?

I would agree, but the fact that a number of countries still deem homosexuality a crime, literally illegal, still remains. And white conservatives also exist. Yeah, that’s a thing.



Just so you know my partner is Pan … So yes I have . I just do not go around look at me look at me , we have a very loving relationship.

thank you for confirming the bias (or victim attitude) which i mentioned earlier.

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These darned gays, that don’t let me enter their gay-exclusive clubs. I’m gonna complain about it, instead of going to a regular club.

Just had to be careful not to be outed as one of those tr4nny gays, unless you wanted to end up beaten in a ditch.

People lose their jobs over saying things like that, because there are still groups of people that actually think and say that unironically. That actually think homosexuals should be put down, gunned on the street where they stand, and there was a time that actually happened.

Yeah, you don’t get assaulted for being straight though.

No body cares or wants this in game.

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I would be surprised if 50 years from now 70% of the world population turned gay and started assaulting straight people.

Which would have most likely not happened if white supremacists and/or racists hadn’t continued to spread their hate beliefs 'cuz ‘FrEeDoM’ of speech.

Yeah, I’m sure it’s solely because of that.

There’s no reason for you to even attend these clubs if all you want to do is get drinks and dance. They’re meant to be gathering places for homosexual people, where they can meet people of their own sexual orientation.
Why do you get so offended over this? Honestly.

That is a ignorant statement and obviously not true. Some people do care and want it or there wouldn’t be so many threads requesting it.

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We don’t -HAVE- to shoehorn in Gay characters.

Hell we probably already do have a few, but you know what? There is no need for them to go “HI I AM GAY WANNA MEET MY GAY HUSBAND LOOK HOW GAY WE ARE!”

Like what people want.


Please don’t misjudge me. I stand by a writers creative process and authority. If they don’t feel like it fits the story it’s up to them. It’s just your statement itself wasn’t correct and was ignoring the existence of people and their wants.