LGBT+ History Month

are you suggesting gay couples are unnatural? Probably wasn’t your intent… but… still, had to mention it because that’s how you framed the argument.

There are flaws to your logic.

Love is not about procreation. Jaina is not about to have a dragon baby with Kalec, and neither Sylvanas not Nathanos can have children. Heck, Tyrande and Malfurion are thousands of years old, and they don’t have a child yet.


I can all but guarantee that if Blizz needed Sylvanas and Nathanos to boogiewoogie out a baby deus ex machina, they would find a poor reason and even worse writing to support it.




“My thoughts on this matter…”

“EVERYONE has the need to be included.”

“As for this topic, it can be something as simple as a gay couple holding hands in Dal, or just a guy in a hut, with a picture of him and his guy, in wedding clothes. It could be something as simple as seeing a wedding announcement, for two Ladies, on the wall of a major Inn. A Valentine’s Day thing, or something simple like that.”

“Life is not fair, this is true, but we all need to make an effort to reach out to our fellow humans, to help make it easier to live in. Love should always out weigh hate. This is what I was taught growing up, and this is what ALL kids should be taught. Patience begins at home, and Parents are the ones who should be teaching their kids to have more acceptance of those who are different.”

“Children Live What They Learn, and that Learning begins at home, or should.”

“Have a good life, all of you. I don’t care who you love, what color you are, what God/Goddess(s) you believe in, or any of that. Treat me with respect, and I will always show you the same.”

“It doesn’t have to be ‘in your face’ to count. Live and let live, is what I say.”


Yea I’m forced to see straight stuff all the time. I guess it’s one of those weird things where you pay attention to it because you aren’t used to it. This game most strangest couple is Jaina and the dragon… So after that I started rooting for Anduin and Wrathion.

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Yup. Not to mention there are some romantic novels with Undead x Nightborne lol… Undead can’t have babies.

“What about the Hozen, Riko, that is in love with the Forsaken, Shademaster Kiryn? I’d say that one is quite a bit stranger. At least a Dragon can take Human Form at will.”

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Hmm idk. But undead with anything else is sort of weird. But love is love I guess. If it were like the Vampire diaries undeath and vampires xD it would be different I guess.

“It was one of the FUNNEST Quests I have enjoyed in the game. Those two were very well played.”

The Quest was fun. I wonder why Riko hasnt appeared to help us out anymore : / We should have seen him helping fight the void stuff. Hopefully he is part of the recruitment chain for playable mogu. I feel with the new zone leveling. They could add those old allied races whenever they are ready and just unlock them with quest achievements.

This could work for hozen, taunka at least.


O.P. Here is a thought, why don’t you yourself start something like a race to support your cause for the LGBTIQ community?

Both the Troll race and the Gnome race started because players got together to run them, eventually the game picked them up.

If you want to do something, pick a day, a time and a server, announce it to the forums, get people to show up and do the race. Do it every year and eventually more and more people will show up. It may or may not not become official, but you will be raising awareness and who knows what it might lead to.


“I really like this idea.”

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Ah, the Sunwell love story…

Some people probably thought you were joking. But we lore nerds know that you were not.

it might be that Mathias will be in a book with Flynn.
Some strong indicators of maybe this will be the start of a high profile gay couple in wow.

So OP is getting their wish I guess. Hope they are gay about it…
I’ll see myself out.

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The danger with self-representation, identity politics and so on, is that while it might be with the best of intentions, I would be concerned at a real risk that we would cross the line from celebration of a person’s uniqueness into outright stereotyping.

For instance, my experience of gay men is that usually in the gay couple one is very submissive and feminine, while the other is the dominant. As that’s been my experience, that would be the way I would be inclined to portray them, but in reality that is in itself a stereotype.

Then again, Speedy Gonzales was pulled off the air for years due to concerns about being an offensive stereotype, but I have heard a lot of Mexican people say they weren’t offended and consider him a cultural icon so I don’t know

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Beautiful and poignant. Thank you for sharing, Cyndilou

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Here is the thing, and I said this before, there does not have to be any representation of anything in wow. Soon as you start asking and demanding representation in wow , you are now trying to impose your own feelings and views on someone else artistic expression. Without regards to there thoughts are feelings on the subject, tbh wow is very gender agnostic, it is not thrown in your face one way or another. If you want to play a LGBTQ character , that is fine so be it there is nothing stopping you from doing it.

As far as teh other things in this thread there has been enough bad stereo types thrown around by both sides, lgbtq or straight or otherwise, before we can move forward we have to drop the constant finger pointing, we are all human, weather you feel it is right or wrong is inconsequential and honestly not really a topic for debate to get into.

Genetically speaking for continuity of species you need Key DNA sequences to propagate, in nature it is typically male and female, that is just biology, I do not care what orientation you are , you cannot argue science cause honestly it wins. It does not invalidate your preference though just know in order for the human species to move forward you need xx or xy , since female carry x or y and male carries the other x or y , you need both to complete a DNA sequence to cause fertilization of the egg. Once again it does not invalidate your choice, we are just going off pure science.

As far as the bigotry and name calling seriously stop , have a debate a discussion. I understand the wanting of validation, it is validated, throwing it in peoples faces or forcing it in everything is actually considered censorship, and the group as a whole would be considered domineering . For a group that wants to be all inclusive who really wants to be part of a group that perpetuates hate and animosity against there fellow human .

Also if you want to talk about struggle or say that you have it hard you are within your right to do so, however there is other religious and ethnic groups that have way harder struggles. So lets agree to understand everyone has baggage everyone comes from some walk in life, shaming straight people is no better then them shaming you or anyone for that matter.

You can take it for whatever you want but if you want to be treated other then the victim you need to start acting more then the sum of the whole, in other words quit acting like a victim because you are not, we all perpetuate our own ideals in some degree.

**PS please quit trying to get any political and or gender bias added to anyone else artistic expression, enjoy wow for what it is. It is a video game. It is meant to be played and enjoyed not politicized for whatever view people are trying to perpetuate.

apparently shaming straight people is ok, because they seemingly have everything in life handed to them on a silver platter, and face absolutely zero obstacles.


This guy gets it!.. Then again I always question my beliefs when Nobully agrees with me.

Everyone has there own baggage and stuff to deal with, just because you are of a certain group does not automatically invalidate your struggle or give you a hand up.

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