LGBT+ History Month

Oh it is. But you are also Privleged is other ways. Honestly I’m pro abolishing all privledges. But I am sick and tired of hearing that word. It is used as a negative cognation to make it sound like being born a certain way opens every single door for you.


Kind of makes you wonder how Blizzard came up with these “romances” to begin with…

Sadly there own relationships… Explains why they hate us so much though right?

I think I understand better now. You are right, they should be able to have that as well.


can’t really abolish all privilege. Society wouldn’t function. EX: Doctors have the privilege of a higher salary because of years studying, etc.

But privilege should not be tied to inherent traits like, gender, race, or sexuality because you don’t get to chose those.


I think the confusion is recognizing privilege it’s not saying you don’t have struggles but everyone has some level of privilege, and in this case like Wyvern said it’s something that LGBTQ characters don’t get to have.

I think the ask varies, from relationship asking to what have you, so you get a lot of people not liking even any relationships in WoW, and then people take up and say well straight people have it so what’s the issue. But at the CORE of the ask is just inclusion.

For me Alliance side / Horde an important enough character to be introduced Voss or Shaw type level where we see them, experience them, know their story, would be inclusion. I don’t see anyone wanting some huge faction leader love story.

Something to establish their background like we see learning Voss’s torture at the hands of her dad, so we’d need an intro to establish it’s an LGBTQ character, and then largely Voss has grown into her own and it would just be like dealing with her story in Tiristfal was showing family level drama necessary for WoW? Idk it established a good story so I would say it was fine, and the same thing can be done to establish an LGBTQ character (at least more then 2 but not all at once) with varying levels of importance with at least one being to the level of Voss’s importance where we can see them and feel like they do something.

Because representation is important and that’s at the core of the ask.


The cringe is so awful it reminds me of High School all over again.

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Yeah. I mean i should of chose my words a bit more wisely. That is what I meant.

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Most or all you people are taller than me , so you people have the privilege to being tall . To reach items I can not reach .

none of our kind exists. it’s a freaking fiction video game

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Again, “straight couples” are a natural, biological occurrence necessary for anyone to exist. Your existence implies a heterosexual act occurred between a male and a female at some point. It’s pretty much THE most basic fact about any human being’s existence, because it kind of is the beginning of any human’s existence.

It therefore shouldn’t be a shock, or be considered unnecessary insertion, when put into any story that these kind of family relationships exists. You can’t even use words like mom, dad, aunt, uncle, sister, brother, grandfather, grandmother, etc. without the implied fact of basic human biology, procreative function, and blood lineage. Even if it is used adoptively, or via “in-law” status, it is done so with the understanding of what it means biologically. Again, it’s implied in our very nature. So, if your story has a society based upon blood lineage, like the monarchy in Stormwind and Lordaeron, how could you NOT have straight couples be presented?

Romance is more of the unitive, not procreative, function of relationships. Where as procreative is implied in our existence, the unitive parts aren’t always readily apparent. They require outward signs or elaboration if you want more information. And, since acts outside of reproductive ones aren’t exactly able to be implied by your existence, then the information needs presented in an overt way. There is no possible way to know someone’s sexuality by simply looking at them, and if you can then it would be hard to do without stereotyping involved (which isn’t good either).

Apologies for going over-analytical. I just try to get to the root of issues so I understand it better. I get that everyone wants to feel included, and everyone deserves dignity. I just don’t know how the issue can ever be properly resolved when representation requires something overt rather than something inherent.

EDIT: I’ll add that this is even more confusing for me to wrap my head around when it comes to trans representation. If you present as the opposite sex/gender, wouldn’t you want to appear that way in game? Wouldn’t choosing an avatar that suits the way you look solve that? Again, the only way representation for this in game could happen if it was overt and you found out a character was born the opposite biological sex, which doesn’t naturally come up in normal, quest text conversation.


Not going to say it all needs to be added however I do like explaining things or exploring potential ideas of why things are the way they are. So I will float this idea to you. People tend to like to see things they identify with in all shapes of what makes them up. That is physical features, emotional features, and the hardships they may have had to over come. Inspirational stories make people smile. I imagine when people want a Trans representation they desire to see characters which undergone the transformation but still have some of those left over bone structures to help them identify. Or maybe they just want a story which incorporates a heroic transgender person for a moment of inspiration. Maybe they want to listen to some of the inner monologue of a trans person as they grow in the Warcraft world.

We call them Shippers the problem with that community they can be very Toxic and get upset over relationships in a petty way in the LBGTQ some have a sense of reality others don’t.

Maybe they want to listen to some of the inner monologue of a trans person as they grow in the Warcraft world.

Go read Elminster: The Making of a Mage and tell me it has anything LBGTQ themes in it?

We tend to latch onto the really bad stuff in game, just like we do in the real world. Yes the whole Tyrande and Malfurion thing was awful and there aren’t a great deal of fans of Thrall and Aggra but the romance between Saffy and Grizzek was cute. It wasn’t over the top or beat you in the face. Also I don’t think most people who want more LGBTQ characters in game are asking for romance. Just for them to appear naturally like any other character.

Personally, I’d like more of the Steamy Romance novels to appear in game like they did in Legion with Paladin Marcus and Tanda and Bax Freeseeker. There ya have it. A threesome is cannon in WoW. lol

Just a heads up.

“federal laws don’t ban discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity the way they do regarding sex and religion.”

But Azeroth is a world where many of the inhabitants were created by an outside entity. The original dwarves, humans and gnomes didn’t really occur naturally or biologically. It gets even more confusing when you add in things like magic and undeath. There’s a lot on Azeroth that doesn’t occur purely based on biology and nature. Also of note, gay animals are a normal occurrence in nature. :slight_smile:

Also to comment on what you said about family and lineage. There are quite a few couples in WoW that would more than likely not be able produce offspring. The gnome Saffy and goblin Grizzek for example. Blizz doesn’t really go into any explanation to this sort of thing but generally, from D&D, the only races that really are able to produce offspring are Orc/Human and Human/Elf. Dragons, in a human form, often can but they are special and quite powerful magically.


Because Corgis are annoying micro-dogs second only to annoying, yappy behavior behinf Chiahuauas. Go lab mix or pit mix or go home.

I think that is wrong to label animals like we do with humans… like the case of “is a dog/rock an atheist?” (answer is no, ist refer to sapient critters like us)
Just take for example giraffes… males mostly have sex with males, but not because “they are gay”, they search for females to reproduce but they get too horny and just “hang” over any individual that is nearby.
Ducks also do it, as they do with death corpses…
Dogs too for entertainment
Some other animals for accident too (some species of frog that cannot identify females)
A minority of animals actually do it because they are gay (attracted preferably to males in the same way they are normally attracted to females) because of some hormonal anomalies (is a disorder, a minor one, like not seeing some colors or… idk it do not affect your survival)
In human the causes are… a lot of things, nothing specific, a lot of mutations and anomalies can lead to some people having a predisposition to being gay (a paper I saw no so long ago concluded in that, there are just too many variations between individuals to just rooted to a single gene, like with the autism spectrum), but because of the society we created and our civilization, is not much of a disorder for survival/reproduction (intellect/productivity > survival/reproduction).

Well returning to the topic, like others have said, we can conclude from experience that if Blizzard want to introduce something like this it must come out naturally, not force it…
Like what they did with Soldier 76 in Overwatch, it could have been ok if him being gay was something you could conclude by looking at the comic but Blizzard promoted it as "we have a “gay”, forgive us for **insert here whatever controversy they were going through at that moment**, is just disgusting, is like what the government did in my natal country (Cuba). You know what they did? Just to not look racist they took a black comedian as a “politician” so he represented that population… the dude is as dumb as a tree, is just a joke, is literally a “look people, we have a “black” so we aren’t racist :D”, is an offense to do something like that.
Is bad to take advantage or use entire groups of people just to give yourself some false virtue, specially when a corporation will do it for monetary gain.
Blizzard is known for this, remember last pride month? Blizzard did not made any reference of it on Asia, they do not care out those people, they only care about money just like all other brands.

Out of topic:
The main problem that people will face is that, they aren’t following the norm, they have no one to teach them how to deal with themselves… well I did my part the other day guiding a lesbian friend in how to conquer a girl that was into her xD (and how to act in a relationship if something happened)

I wish things were that simple… specially with genetics, well, maybe is just that apes are complicated… is even hard to clone monkeys.
Curious fact, our “white-viscous glue” can’t go through chimpanzee eggs but yes with gorillas so is maybe possible to… oh no I must go x’D

Making things mainstream “validates” them.


Is something is in need of validation then it’s invalid, that’s how words work :wink:

Why is there over 1000 replies in this thread?! Go play the game…