LGBT+ History Month

Actually yes. I freaking hated that entire Thrall scene in Cataclysm with Aggra. I made a thread about it but got called a troll sadly and it got ignored.


Luckily thereā€™s plenty more relationships for you to complain about. Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll each get the same attention youā€™ve paid to the OP asking for one relationship in this thread.

I made a thread once about one when it was extremely in my face yes I did. Other then that no. I donā€™t tend to believe in infringing on their creative freedom. If someone else made a thread about it I would be right in there sharing my opinion though.

Straight or otherwise, it doesnā€™t matter. If people want to RP with the innkeeper however they see fit, thatā€™s fine.

But it wonā€™t matter if Gods, Titans, Dragons, Murlocs, and ESPECIALLY Mechagnomes donā€™t die horribly.

RP all you want. Write your own headcanon all you want. But if you think that Thrall showing suggestive pics of Aggra (puke) or Anduin and Wrathion talking about their sweet summer vaycay in Pandaria is going to make a difference, youā€™re only fooling yourself.

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Exactly. And if you think Blizz would be able to write a better same sex relationship than a straight relationship, Iā€™ve got a bridge in Brooklyn I need to sell you.

It does matter.

Media representation is the only thing that actually caused a change in societyā€™s view of LGBT folk. The reason we donā€™t have to worry about being beat up on our way out of the club (as often) these days is because 15 years ago they started adding gay characters to shows and movies.


Owning a corgi is a privilege.

I will agree with you that Media is important on helping create a Era of tolerance. I just think creative freedom is important as well. I would encourage people to create their own books/games and what have you that has more gay characters in it though. These goals can be achieved without infringing on others rights.

I really dont see the point in adding anything romantic to this type of game. I dont care about couples,I just want to moonfire all the things. It has never really crossed my mind while Im gutting murloc#2,345.


OK. but then why do we have so many cannon straight couples?


If you think anything but the most recent media representation did ANYTHING but worsen stereotypes of LGBT people, youā€™re kidding yourself. Do you REALLY think that media coverage of Gay Pride Parades which almost exclusively features the more salacious aspects of the LGBT community has done anything to improve societyā€™s views?

Do you really think Jack from Will and Grace was anything but an insulting stereotype?

In media, society, and in-game what matters MOST is getting things done.

Yes, there will ALWAYS be idiots who think inherent characteristics have an impact on oneā€™s ability and claim it as a reason to discriminate.

But I ask myself, are those idiots really worth wastimg time and energy on when there things to be done that matter more? To me, the answer is no.

In the context of the game, relaionships are all too often poorly written regardless of orientation and end up being overwrought stereotypes (see Thrall and Aggra).

Being anything but a great and talented architect has nothing to do with orientation, identity, or lack thereof. What matters is will the building you design fall down or not?

Thatā€™s my point.

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Take Lillian Voss though Sierra and how Blizzard established she had dad issues.

I donā€™t see the ask specifically for a relationship ship but for a character.

One could have a human and undead pairing (just basing this half way off Vossā€™s story) and since being risen in undeath the human has been relentless in trying to end their former partner. Either neither side has to be taken out or they can do a Lillian Voss did to her dad and end the human or vice versa.

Then they could continue to establish that character, we know itā€™s LGBTQ confirmed, itā€™s a minor storyline that got the story going and it could have a reoccurring role like Voss, but I would say sheā€™s far past her dad issues and did having parental issues really need to be part of Vossā€™s original story? No, but they chose to write it so and weā€™ve seen her continue to grow as a character. And that is ideally what inclusion would be having a few LGBTQ characters, that are characters.

Again,never really crossed my mind. Its a game and a story. I donā€™t care about gay or straight couples. Iā€™m just here to kill things.

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Romance in general is written more poorly than a romance novel. I would rather Blizzard didnā€™t write any LGBT+ romance into the game out of fear it would read like the Straight stories, just cringy crap that reads like a 12 year old wrote it.

If Blizzard canā€™t write decent straight stories, how badly do you think LGBT+ stories are going to turn out?


Yesā€¦ I agree. Can we just push to remove all these romanatic stories from WoW all together.


Exactly, privilege is not having to think about your own existence because itā€™s not problematic. Thatā€™s why itā€™s so hard for non-affected people to develop empathy for minority causes (not saying you personally are either non-minority, nor lack empathy).

LGBT people would simply like to be able to take for granted that there would be LGBT characters in media, just like there are straight people, or people of color. Itā€™s a privilege others have that LGBT people would want too.


Maybe I just take it for granted because I am straight and thatā€™s the ā€œdefaultā€ for lack of a better term. I mean, Iā€™m not against it. Just saying it never really crosses my mind while playing,so itā€™s hard for me to wrap my head around.


How are we still not talking about Corgis?


a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group.

Can we not rewrite what the word means? Now that we established what the word means. Care to start discussing the privleges granted to being a minority or gay?

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isnā€™t that a special right? Others have it and LGBT donā€™t.

No one is changing definitions. Just explaining it further.