LGBT+ History Month

Yea I noticed that too. Do we say normal relationship since the big h that looks like stereo is a bad word?


Apparently. I’ve been canned twice for trying to dodge the “draft” so I can’t really talk about it any further.

You’re trying too hard to be edgy.

Or I cannot identify satire well because internet text.

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LGBTP? Never heard of the P before.

Blizzard is already going to have Black and Asian Humans . Now the LGBT want their characters . The next group of people want their characters too.

Once you open a whole can of worms , you’ll never stop the flow of BS .


“People are just people
They shouldn’t make you nervous
The world is everlasting
It’s coming and it’s going”

“Well maybe you should just drink a lot less coffee
And never ever watch the ten o’clock news
Maybe you should kiss someone nice
Or lick a rock
Or both”

I don’t know about you guys, but I’m planning on replacing all the in-game music files with Ram Ranch to celebrate.

Stick it to the man.

Yep…all you have to do is watch CNN / MSNBC to get a gut full of the white male Christian hate from the media. I remember seeing don lemon say that “white men are the biggest terror threat to the US”. He may be right but I could not help but marvel at the hypocrisy of that statement from a station that calls everything racist.

It figures these forums would flag this until it’s hidden. Lots of sad, scared, hateful people in gaming. OP asks for a small, not major part of the game, to have LGBT+ rep and it’s flagged as inappropriate. That’s just sad, and again, just like when I see city general chat on log in, I wonder why I spend time with this playerbase. I just have to remember that, like in real life, most people are ok, it’s just the dipsticks that make the rest look bad.

And as to OP’s request, I’d like to suggest Lilian Voss and Amalia Stone. They’re a… cute? (I dunno if cute is the right word for undead) couple with a backstory so messed up it could only be a love story for the undead.


I cringe Everytime they try to ship leaders with each other.

Lorthemar was the latest victim… Ughh… what is this, some cheap romance comedy ?

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I wanna bounce something off this for one second. Lillian Voss, is the level of LGBTQ character I would like to see. Look at her story arch with her father, it’s small, established in Tirsitfal Glades, and then she’s remained a character that gets developed.

That is ideally what I see something small, establishes it’s an LGBTQ character just like they established Lillian had dad issues, then the rest of her story largely just exists from there.

Edit to say: I see a lot of people acting like it’s this big thing to ask for inclusion but it could be something like this and I would be proud of Blizzards continued development for that character

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The lack of awareness of these people is jaw-dropping.

I don’t know how they convince themselves they’re reasonable, logical human beings while claiming that adding a single LGBT relationship to the game - much less than statistically exists in the real world - is somehow shoving stuff down their throat.

Can you imagine being so self-absorbed that you don’t stop and think “wait - what’s it like for them playing games that are disproportionately and intentionally filled with only heterosexual relationships?”

It boggles the mind


Oh, they know. But cruelty is the point with these people.


You’re too nice for the people in this thread, Tadpo. Probably too mature for the forums in general…

Why, in a game which is centered around we “Heroes” obliterating gods and stopping multiversal annhilation, is representation of any kind so important?

Bad story telling aside, do you feel less accomplished because Wrathion and Anduin aren’t professing their undying romantic intentions to one another?

Do you feel that finally achieving a Mythic+ kill is lessened because Thrall isn’t endlessly going on about how he and Aggra “go on” all night long?

Do you really trust Blizzard not to make an absolute travesty of said relationship?

If a percieved inclusiveness or lack thereof of any relationship status between any two NPCs makes it impossible to hold threat, not be able to do the best DPS possible, miss a wipe preventing heal, or not know whether you need to get out of.the fire or soak some eldritch goo on the ground than the problem is YOU. Not the game. Not lack of “diversity”. It isn’t the presenceof anything but a.heteronormative relationship that is the problem.

It is YOU. If you think you think you can do better than Blizzard or some 11 year old middle schooler with a fascination with “shipping” and head canon, then build a portfolio and apply to Blizzard.

Otherwise, get out there, farm for the best gear you can manage, and KILL. THAT. DRAGON.

That is, after all, what actually matters.


Okay, let’s have a thought experiment Huggy.

If it doesn’t matter, would you care if 100% of the relationships in-game were homosexual? Would you consider it a fun game?

Would you enjoy playing that RPG, or would it seem intentionally written to serve some political view?

Excuse me? “These people” What is that suppose to mean. You realize when ever someone else says something like that it’s considered a micro aggression.

Anyways you don’t know me don’t assume my reasoning. I simply don’t see the point of sexual orientation being in a game that has nothing to do with sex. The only time it should exist in a game that has nothing to do with sex is if they are introducing a child into the game and are trying to create a lineage. Even then… it doesn’t have to be anything more then a blub. This is Warcraft not love craft. It doesn’t need more relationship drama in it. If we wanted that we would go play some romance game or read a romance novel.


I’m sure you object strongly whenever an NPC mentions their husband/wife, their love interest, etc.

No? Hmm, maybe you’re misrepresenting your reasoning.


And yet you’re not here on the forums protesting straight couples in the game.