LGBT+ History Month

Really what are the current stats on this?

Matthew Shepard was not murdered for being gay, that was a media hoax.

I bet you still believe the hoax.

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Ashvane and momma proudmoore seemed like a thing to me at first.

But who knows. We can have our own little theories.

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awe thanks sweetness, you are to kind.

Mate I hate to break it to you, but HUMANS have been doing all of those things to each other for centuries. We’re a terrible species, have you taken a look at the middle east? They’re basically still living in the dark ages.

You do you, I personally have no problem with that at all, but by trying to impose your own agenda and view on others, you are in fact “hurting” people, mainly your own community by getting rational, logical people offside. Most pragmatic people are just “when is it enough for you people” (when discussing any topic), and the fact is, there is never “enough”, which is why I mentioned earlier that representation should only match actual demographics. That way, no one can b**** (seriously is that word not allowed?) and complain, because your representation is fairly measured.

The fact that no one has replied with what the sexuality of a character brings to the LORE of WoW speaks volumes.

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Welp time to go play solo lol. Glad the flames died down.

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I’ve been enjoying soloing visions. It’s way more fun once you have some titan research done.

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It brings depth? Character development? Human emotion?
I don’t have an agenda to push, friend. I just wanna see my life, and that of millions of people worldwide, reflected in a piece of media that I have consumed for the past 15 years of my life and that has tremendous cultural significance generally speaking. I don’t think that’s ridiculous.

thanks love may have to do that. :slight_smile:

This is the week for it. Easy peasy Orgrimmar and mild corruptions even in the lost areas. Rexxar is still awful though.

I play the game to kill stuff, get gear, and have fun not to see which male character in the game wants to stick it into another male character.


You mean like Tyrande and Malfurion? :laughing:

Sorry couldn’t help myself.

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Take care folks, I had fun in this thread! Against all odds


Just need the right company. Irritation and all! :smiley:


So then outline it for me, what does a LGBT character (where their sexuality is the defining trait) bring to the table for the story of WoW. At the same time you can point me to a single character where being straight has brought “depth” to them, because I can’t think of any?

Maybe it’s just me, I can’t wrap my head around consuming media based purely on immutable characteristics and feeling aggrieved because of it.

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Eh, it’s not my favorite of his, but ask and ye shall receive!

I’m still going with the theory that was just Xavius in disguise trolling tyrande/malf.

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This conversation is for naught anyway, Blizzard is so far up China’s butt for money it’ll never happen.

Uh oh, due to recent events will dks lose:



Very funny coming on the heals of the Death Strike PVP nerf. Yeah, the unholy community loves jokes like this.

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Well-written characters, regardless of sexuality can make a story more emotionally connected. It’s the same reason people watch dramas. That being said the crux of this argument is Well-written. Something I fear Blizz lacks the talent for. The Goblin and Gnome couple on Mechagon are a fluke until proven otherwise in my opinion.

A homosexual or trans-couple wouldn’t ruin the game if done right. Done wrong (most likely outcome) they’d just be received as another PR stunt by Blizzard which would have tragic ramifications for the sexual minority groups. As one person noted up above the trend for female/minority characters to be marked as quota-fillers where as white normal’s are just “normal”. Because people making the characters are often white normal’s they “know” the subject.

As published authors often say, write what you know. Thing is the burdens of being African, Asian, Oriental or Hispanic in the USA doesn’t translate to being
 that other kind of human in Azeroth.

I’m delusional enough to want to write actual fiction novels and gosh darn it. Trying to juggle how a society would view one thing or another is brutal. And my work just involves humans. Not some kind of mutant Vrykul. Plus Metzen left the dev team. As far as I know he’s just voicing Thrall these days.

Unrelated note: Seriously homosexual is fine but the other word is censored? How do I keep running into these?

Edit: Grammar.