LGBT+ History Month

That’s cause he’s a damn compelling character who feels like a real person. Only other character with so much personality is Varric, and he’s hit or miss for a lot of people.

Though I will say I almost always play a male templar and romance Cassandra. It’s the inner zealot in me. :smile:

Had several Corgi’s over the years, and unfortunately I guess they are the “trendy” dog, so the costs outweigh what I am willing (or able) to pay. Their goofy demeanor is somewhat similar to my own. I just like Corgi’s.

Someone not ready for the shedding. Keep an eye out.

So. Much. Fur. Everywhere.

Not to LGBT in WoW. It’s a game not a opportunity for propaganda.

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Just ignore the gay couples in the game for over a decade. Google the subject. I personally dont care but I like many dont want it thrown in my face except when I go looking for it (straight gay trans etc). If I want romance I aint looking in WoW…

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Still mad Varric wasn’t a romance option.

Cue all of us just sprinting like hell to the bedroom

How the heck is simply existing propaganda?


As am I. Surly dwarf… I love the guy.

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It’s interesting to see how many homophobic and presumably straight males play Female Belf or Draenei.

This thread makes me sad.

Ah well I was happy with a rivalmance with Anders back in 2. ( I did save the mages at the end tho but my version of Hawke was a bit of a jerk with some topics lol )

I always killed Anders. In Awakening. :stuck_out_tongue:

Keep in mind I’m basically of the Templar’s mindset.

go with a dachshund theyre small loyal and smart plus theyre low maintenance since they require very little brushing due to the short hair and they have a very mild temperament and are extremely affectionate making them ideal for anyone with kids or other small pets

I’m glad this has been your experience. Many have not been so lucky. But you also need to hear the message you’re at risk of sending - “it’s ok to be gay, just don’t talk about it. Be invisible”. I have done my best with my life to show that LGBTQ individuals and their families are just that - people and families going about their lives, the same as anyone else. One of my proudest moments was an exchange I had with a very religious, conservative co-worker. Throughout the three years we worked together, I talked openly about my life, my hopes, my worries, and then came the day she said to me, “you’re not what my Church taught me to believe about gay people. I don’t know what to think right now, but I know you’re not the terrible things I’ve been told.” But still, despite that, and despite the hard work and not “pushing sexuality in people’s faces”, I have still faced mistreatment in public and in the workplace - as have my children. It takes time, and visibility, to change perceptions and reactions, and media is frequently a place where that change can be enhanced/facilitated via representation. Lack of representation in media can easily influence the concern a particular group is being written out of existence. This is no different than someone asking to see more people of color represented in WoW. How long did players go requesting darker skin tones for character customization? How odd is it, that in a world with walking, talking cows and teleportation, all of the human NPCs we deal with are Caucasian? And yes, I understand much of WoW is based on Europe of the Middle Ages, but darker skinned people existed then too.

I do understand pushback against “demand threads” and an attitude of entitlement, but I also acknowledge the motivations behind them. So rather than belittle someone and bemoan “getting lumped in”, why not give them alternatives to express that desire to advocate for change? Not everyone is safe and lucky enough to remain silent.

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Aw bummer. Ah well that’s your choice.

My version of Hawke was just a teensy bit bitter about having to babysit his sister all the time. So he has something of a grudge with mages.

Plot twist: He was a Reaver / Templar. Sometimes the best stories involve characters being massive hypocrites about blood magic.

I got a minipittmixmutt thing.

She’s got the short course hair and is full derp, learned it from the corgi. :rofl:

Hah, trying to justify a Reaver/Templar build has to be a fun time. I liked playing blood mage spirit healers in DAO… “Circle Approved!” :wink:

Needs more corgi. Corgis love everyone. Even you.

you don’t have to tell me about derpy dogs I have a half dauch/chiaua mix I dropped a plastic tea pitcher lid on the tile kitchen floor she wouldn’t stop barking for 15 min :rofl:

It was basically “AoE happens and things just melt” lol.

My warden was a blood mage / arcane warrior / battle mage so he wore heavy armor and swung around a big sword

Hawke was Reaver / Templar

My Inquisitor was an archer assassin rogue

Why does it “need” to be in WoW?

Ok so let’s assume for a minute that blizzard decides to take this “Diversity” approach, at what point is it considered adequate? Do existing characters need to suddenly explore these sexualities or just new ones? What about cultures where being gay is either highly frowned upon (china) or out right illegal (iran) do they matter? What does adding a gay character to wacraft add to the story? As someone who is Bi and has explored more dark rabbit holes than I’d care to admit (lol) I don’t need or want this “diversity” in my games. Mainly because it’s all too often shoe horned or hamfisted and comes off as “You will only remember me because of my sexuality and not my amazing backstory or abilities”.