LGBT+ History Month

and Yet here you are telling me to be tolerant how about the vocal minority be tolerant as well. There are those of us in the LGBT community that are silenced and shunned cause we refuse to bow to them. People knew I was lesbian I never hid it I even told my future employers I had no issues in the 80’s 90’ and early 2000 now here it is 2020 and I and others are being called radicals cause of the vocal groups demanding everything.

Where my rights not to be labeled as a radical LGBT.


I like corgis’

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Why do non lgbt relationships need to be in wow?


Only DA title I play rogue is DAO. I bring one along in Inquisition for the few locks there are but I just don’t like playing with daggers (in any game, really) and Inquisition archery is boring to me. :frowning:

Mages all the way :stuck_out_tongue:

I grew up with 18 Scottish Terriers since my family did professional dog shows.
it was never and fun for me and I spent my teenage years going to every dog show in the UK and helping my parents.

I know this isn’t the answer you want to hear but for the most part most people are man and woman. There’s an old joke that goes something like “Two hens can’t make an egg and two bulls can’t make a calf”.

When it comes to LGBT stuff I much prefer if it’s done in fanfic where I or the writer can create whatever outlandish story we want.


I do wish I didn’t do mage in origins. I wanted to tell a separate story each game so that’s why one game was mage, one was rogue etc etc.

My Inquisitor was quite the athiest by Thedas standards. He had his reasons. I just can’t say here.

But yeah once 2 happened and they updated how mages fired their staves ( WHY CANT WE DO THAT WITH WOW ITS SO COOL ) I was a teensy bit salty lol

Blizzard = Small Indie company.

Yes but a gay man and a gay women can still be fertile with each other. It just won’t be as thrilling.

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Someone did not like that comment.

You’ll always get a :heart: from me bb

So where did I call you a “radical” or say your thoughts were not understandable? You’ve obviously had a very different experience than many others and I can get where you might feel like you’re in a good place and not want to rock the boat. There have been individuals in that sort of predicament in EVERY civil rights/equality discussion. I was attempting to encourage understanding and share a different vantage point. So again, you dislike the approach being taken - Assuming you’re not advocating “invisibility”, what avenue would you prefer people utilize to work for change? Answering this simple question costs you nothing and doesn’t give your seal of approval to the OP.

I’m really, really salty that our staves and caster weapons just… sit there. Limply. Uselessly.

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Did you mean to say intimate? Of course they can and as I’ve said many times in the past when it’s done right it feels rather natural. The problem lies in how most games write it as “My only redeeming trait is my sexuality”.

That doesn’t answer the big question, at what point will people say “This is a good amount of inclusion”.

Maybe someday when wow 2.0 (or whatever it’s called) launches but ah well that won’t be any time in the nearby century lol.


Fine, fine. On topic then.

I don’t think there’s anything worth changing.

Really insist on doing something? Add some random NPCs to holiday events and make em hold hands or something. Doesn’t really matter to me.

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First off stop demanding inclusion in everything. this has done more harm than helped people are not going to change over night and that is what some are demanding.

Time is your friend in time people will come around and accept it Most accept it now and do not care. But this beat down on straight people and saying i am repressed and excluded from everything is FALSE. your sexuality DOES NOT DEFINE who you are. What you do and how you act DOES!.


I do gotta say that’s a good question.

Agreed. There is much more to individuals than preference, religion, political affiliation, whether they run LFR or not :smiley: etc. the topic simply happens to be gender identity.

Concerning definitions: I think much hinges on who is “doing” the defining. The state, others, society? Or the individual? I think that may be worth considering for all involved. And also, it becomes more about how others define the norm and then others deviate from it.

Up until 5 years ago, same sex marriage was not a federally protected right. That was government imposed, government defined. And it was a close case.

My own take: I like organic characters in stories. I think there’s a good trend on the rise showing female characters (of all personality types) being in a leadership role, different genders being represented, etc. And there may be more on the way.

And the most Important part of this is that no other gender, personality type, individual should be (nor is, I think) being marginalized to make room for this. If it does happen, that defeats the purpose of the aim of inclusion, rising tide lifts all boats, etcetera etcetera


As much as I strongly support LGBT+ issues in real life, if its not right for the story it shouldn’t be done. Its like “Chekhov’s Gun” principle for story writing

If in the first act you have hung a pistol on the wall, then in the following one it should be fired. Otherwise don’t put it there.

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And remember guys. Look at the cute.

it is rather cute that babies of all shapes and sizes do the “But moooooooooom I’m not tired!” routine