LGBT+ History Month

You should be running Blizzard. Dreta for Ion 2020. Wait… that sounds… I dunno. Are you at all interested in a bee stung eminem lookin bro? >_>

It…can be a difficult topic for some people. Which is alright - some of this stuff is kinda new to the larger world and people get pretty heated about it.

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Is he a nice guy who grooms himself and has at least a 4/10 work ethic?

Then he’s a catch. Sign me up.

My Lord. These dogs are an old married couple after one too many mimosas :rofl:

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Bold phrasing so soon after Vulpera release.

Right? lol. This is all I picture if Kul Tirans could be worgens. Well dwarves would make more sense cuz of smol. Maybe a gnome.

Now now, vulpera are just living fur. They don’t cuddle.

Your precious doggo is in the rainbow fields of Elysium, chasing squirrels and sniffing at the sky :hugs:

It’s abysmal actually. Especially where I live, where all the “community” folks have such a lesser view of themselves that they rarely bother shaving and don’t wash properly. :upside_down_face:

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I’d be 100% on board for having an LGBTQ+ story involving main/central characters; I think that would be a great way to add depth to the world and give strong representation for those in that community; I only mention the ease with which they could represent that community because so many vitriolic people seem to be worried that issues such as these would overshadow the plot, for some reason. I don’t see how having Fairwind and Shaw be a loving couple would diminish their ability to participate in future storylines in any capacity, but I know there are toxic people out there who would flip their %*$ if it happened.

Perhaps starting small (ie quest givers, minor story arcs, walk around npcs, etc) would be a good way to acclimate the WoW community to having LGBTQ+ characters and stories in the WoW universe. Obviously i’d prefer to just have them write major characters into the story that fill those roles, I think that would be wonderful for those in the LGBTQ+ community who are eager to see themselves meaningfully represented but barring that, it would be a simple proposition to start including more minor characters in-game that filled that role.

The real issue is that there are loads of people who play this game who would love to see themselves portrayed in it, and they have nothing to see. Just like we are getting representation for different races in character customization, we should be able to get representation for people of various genders and sexual orientations without a problem; and clearly there are people asking for it, as in the OP here who called for it.


Time to GoFundMe mass laser hair removals :rofl:

i’m not a huge fan of tiny dogs; but corgis are my exception. Something about them is super adorable.

Most definitely. I’m honestly glad I’m a lot older and more comfortable with myself. There are plenty of younger people who would find this very uncomfortable to read.


I miss my pet rats. Thor and Loki. I swear with a controlled diet and plenty of playtime they still ended up fat. They were just destined to be fat.

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I want to buy these people electric razors and hand soap. And a brush. Good God. A brush.

Nope. Not for this crowd of crazy. They need to appear IN the login screen, with a five minute mandatory voiced soliloquy on why this had to happen, how woke Blizz is, and deliver the -ism/-ist speech on why you are a bad person if you don’t agree, and then a mandatory rainbow fireworks display.

Not enough even yet. They must be at the major hubs for Horde/Alliance and all flight points, with signs that you are REQUIRED to look at, screaming “WE IS WOKE!!!” and again, how bad of a person you are if you don’t agree. Then, they forces acceptance upon your character, OR IT GETS IMMEDIATELY DELETED!

Actually, the rainbow firework does sound pretty cool…


I don’t need your respect, nor do I need you to push your agenda. I didn’t ask for ANYTHING. I said LGBT issues trigger you and that’s sad. Would you like to comment on the actual topic or do you want to use my post as an excuse to vent about how unhappy you are as a lesbian in this messed up world? I feel for you. I have some stories of my own, but that doesn’t negate how sad you seem to be. I hope you find happiness. So If I asked for anything, it was for you to find peace within yourself. Try not to be so triggered by life. Venting on the wow forums is like pissing in the wind.

Maybe you shouldn’t group everyone together. Making assumptions just makes you look foolish.

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Needs more corgi. :dog:

I like you

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Ah. The “you just hate yourself” argument. :roll_eyes: