LGBT+ History Month

So it’s okay to be upset because LGBT people exist in your world, but you can write posts that basically demean them for existing in the first place and that’s YOUR right? Wrong. Your rights end at the tip of your nose. So sad that LGBT triggers you. Must be your bigoted views getting in the way. How sad for you.


I appreciate the effort, but threads like this get riddled with homophobia within minutes. Then, everyone (whether in favor or against) gets reported.

It’s an endless cycle because Blizzard won’t really do anything about it.

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Very well I will remember that for the future.

Just because something is easy doesn’t mean it should be done. I’m so tired of the boring LGBT couples you see in media that a forced couple only serves to annoy me now; and i’m not the only LGBT person that is getting annoyed at this trend either.

I doubt we’ll ever get there at this point. Not unless we have an American edition of Labour’s spectacular failure in the UK.

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Why ignore the extremists? They’re fun to toy with :drooling_face:


I can’t say I blame the “well if you’re treating me by my sexuality then that is all I’ll be” types.

I only really have an issue if it’s clearly a “bury your guys” relationship.

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If your only defining aspect is your sexuality, you’re doing it wrong.


You know, I used to think that way about myself. Let’s say I used to be “ultra” liberal and much more into the identity game than I am now.

Then I graduated high school, grew up, and realized that this imperfect country of mine isn’t as horrible as I was told. Funny that.


YOU FAIL to see I am a LESBIAN and I am fed up with this crap I need representation. I don’t need you or anyone else to speak for me and i am frankly fed up with the whole message and so are many other as well.

Where my rights NOT to be lumped into the WHOLE vocal group of LGBT. I existed just fine before all this me me me me stuff. People knew I was a lesbian they never cared I was appreciated for the hard work I did and what I can contribute to the world and community I never pushed my sexuality in anyone face and I never felt the need i was a victim.

When you resort to names a you lost the argument and respect


nods sagely

You are not alone. Many of us are a minority in our own “community” and refuse to meekly accept what our social overlords would have us. I will never devalue myself again the way I did as a teenager. NEVER.

Self-respect. Discipline. Work. This is why I am not a victim.


The country, no, some of the people…

That said, I’m not sure what all of this has to do with Corgis. I’m pretty sure I made it clear, earlier, that this thread is about Corgis now.

Ah, heh, well, apologies. Corgi mount 2020? :smiley:

The goggles are not enough!


I think it’s more than needed. They don’t have to be anything major, maybe even just like, during the love is in the air event, have a couple same-sex couples just walking around!


This is about the most benign and inoffensive way to do it. I’m totally on board for it.


What? Having characters act normal? Unheard of!



Wow. I’m not even sure High Elf threads can generate this many comments in such a short amount of time.

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Everyone during the Love is in the Air festival should be a corgi.

And every other festival. Especially Winter’s Veil. Such wonderful, fuzzy cuddlers :slight_smile:


You get told something enough. It sticks. Given the abuse a lot of lgbt go thru in their childhood I totally understand why some are bitter.