LGBT+ History Month

What couple has Blizzard made that is “good”?

And still wondering what this would bring to the story of WoW.

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Folks here in the west playing video games can’t stop that crap in the middle east. Doesn’t mean they don’t care or that they haven’t tried

Yes you can you just CHOOSE to focus on silly and trivial things. Get out write letters to your government write letters to the other governments in this day and age your voice does matter.

Playing the victim card has done MORE harm than good for many lLGBT now why should I be lumped in with destructive elements of the LGBT movement just due to the fact I am a Lesbian.

Half of the this group fails or refuses to see or UNDERSTAND being LGBT is nothing special it doesn’t need special rights or privileges or protection. No all I hear is I WANT I WANT I WANT and I WANT REPRESENTATION NOW!

People do not care who you love or live with. They do care if you act respectable and acceptable to all and many can’t do that .And that is why people are turning against us and are no longer hearing the message so people resort to crying out more and the cycle just repeats .

Where is the LGBT group demanding police action against the anti Jewish attacks in New York Or the countless more important issues in the world?

NO LETS JUST make a fantasy game cater to us That the most important.


im gay and I hate these woke threads. Nothing is worse in a story - at least to me - than a couple that is LGBT just for the sake of it. What are these couples supposed to do aside from annoy me because companies use them to take advantage of the political correctness.


Been there. Done that. Bought the t shirt as they say.

I’m personally against the trend of throwing gay stuff in everything but you do bring up a good point.

More reason to keep it out, no? Why would developers intentionally anger their customers over signaling something that is more or less irrelevant? Not to mention it’s never enough for activist types, what was once “Why do you care what two adults do in the privacy of their bedroom” is now “this things exists and you need to see it everywhere”. It’s too much, it sucks, get rid of this silly behavior and focus on something important.

If a TV series portrays lifestyles I don’t want seen in my household by little ones, I simply don’t watch it.

If a game does the same thing, I can take it or leave it, but I don’t have a right to demand they change just for me.

Likewise, nobody else here has a right to demand inclusiveness if Blizz hasn’t done it, you can voice your disagreement by not playing.

And yet you are here asking for a game cater to you and your needs above all others. HOW about a HUGE NO from me I want to play a game not have my sexual orientation tossed in my face when I log in.


I 100% agree with OP here.

It would be trivially easy for them to introduce LGBTQ+ characters/stories into the game. Hell, Shaw and Fairwind are just lined up perfectly to be the first gay couple in the game.

It’s not like they would need to make some big thing out of it, but having representation there would mean so much to so many people. Maybe have a female quest giver say, “Those quillboars killed my wife” instead of husband, for instance.

These sorts of things are not as complicated or fraught with trouble as people seem to think they are. It is a simply matter of respectfully including people of various different types. If you are supportive of these things irl, I don’t see why it would be any problem at all for Blizz to start including characters and stories in game that reflect reality.


Rhonin and Vareesa. Rip.

Jaina and Kinndy Sparkshine. Rip.

I am sorry my existence annoys you. Get over it…

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It’s stupid to avoid it just because some people would be mega babies

I’m sorry my existence and rights annoy you. So practice what you just wrote

I’m here talking because I’m ill in bed. Sorry I can’t save the world with stuff shooting out both ends of me.

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Bout to say the same. Trade chat is leaking into the forums again.

sounds like a poor excuse you could be writing emails to voice concern over LGBT rights to embassy or writing your own government officials to speak up.

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Already did not too long ago dude.

This topic is easy filler because I can’t sleep

Aren’t there two female NEs flirting with each other in Northrend? If I remember correctly, it’s in a small base camp.

I love the “my existence annoys you!” types. Certainly not bad press. That said, I am not special and entitled to anything just because I like to hold hands with other men. I have equal rights and protections under the law. I can marry in all fifty states. Equality has been reached. Hearts and minds may still not have been won over, and it’s no small wonder why when the public is perpetually subjected to cries of offense and injustice where none exists.


Easy filler. More like fake victim hood give me my representation And i am sure not your DUDE.

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