LGBT+ History Month

Definitely less than 4% of all games released

And now how many of the games on that list had the LGBT stuff flat out removed for western audiences


Almost like you guys hate having it in your big games, hence the anger about adding it to WoW


Watching the UK censor Steven Universe was oddly funny. It was so badly done

That a lot of earlier western adaptations of games have had LGBT stuff removed?

Yea, most censor stuff is real bad

I’m only against it because there WoW writers can’t even write straight couples without them being insufferable.

Aggra is basically useless arm candy to spawn screeching goblins for Thrall to care for.

Tyrande/Malfurion has gone from endearing to incredibly cringy (“TYRAAAAANDEEEE, WHERE ARE YOOOOOU.”) - I’m aware this is likely Xavius mocking them but the fact remains it’s super cringeworthy to quest through. And Tyrande is definitely screaming “MUH LUV” the whole time.

Alleria and Turalyon also just feel super…I don’t know, Stone faced? Static? Boring? The only time I felt something was in the Horrific Visions when Alleria sacrifices her son, and that’s more because Arator’s VA does “I’m dying” screams quite well.

Like…where it makes sense, sure. I’m in the camp of extreme tensions between Wrathion and Anduin and would love for them to be a thing. But WoW writers can’t even write straight relationships and there is a lot of literature out there to give them pointers. I’m terrified of what they’d do if they tried to write any non-straight pair as anything other than a joke.

Other than that, I also hate forced representation. If it makes sense for the character’s story, it makes sense. But no need to force it. Just has to feel natural, like Tracer’s reveal.

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Jokes on them. The folks working on the show had two “female” characters get married and the often censored “just make them look like a dude” one was in a very pretty dress. And there was a important plot event in that episode so they made the censors WORK lol


Happens all the time in the Overwatch forums too.


Right on, western audiences still have most of the stuff censored, so you really didn’t accomplish anything besides going


Plus, I never said YOUR anger, I said THE anger

Feel free to read the above posts at people getting mad at this

This is my feeling. Why does everyone want their pixels to all be banging each other? I don’t get it


I’m not being aggressive, haven’t flagged anyone, and am not stereotyping them.

They are angry, so I said anger.

I’m not opposed to an LGBTQ+ representation in wow, but I do cringe when any popular media attempts to do edgy crap designed to say “Hey, we’re hip!”.

It’s never done with finesse, it’s never done with respect and it’s never done without massive levels of cringe.

Wow would be better just being a fantasy world where we stab things to death or light them on fire with fireballs.


They already have them. Just because you didn’t find them, dosen’t mean they don’t exist.

So let me ask you a question. What would this relationship bring to the story of WoW other then “look they are gay”?


It’s the shippers that are to blame for all this. :unamused:


Very happy to see this was unflagged, like them or hate them, Blizzard is a fairly progressive company and I am sure we sell see a LGBT character some day.

As a Lesbian woman I wish the whole LGBT group would stop thinking they speak for all of us you do NOT. I’m feel bad for those who are forced to endure these cries of non representation. I didn’t need some flag waving group to say I counted and I did not let my sexuality define who I am as a person.

Something many need to learn All that is happening is this flag waving demanding BS is not getting people to join but turning them away as they get fed up with the demands and WE NEED.

As to the comment seeing that Hetro couples are being forced on us please tell me how that is affecting you personally ?

as for Normalizing LGBT you expect 90% of the world to give into to your demands? I think you better start with the countries who still execute and imprison LGBTs . Here in the West you have those freedoms to love who you want with out the fear of being arrested.

So how about thinking of those people for once .


Ill say it again

Alliance got to encounter a gay goblin couple in the saving Baine scenario

Some do exist, just not many

Amen sister. Amen.

Sending love from G to L here.


They’re only hamfisted or shoehorned if they are only one note and are only there to spout “YAAAAA QUEEN!” every time they show up in a scene.

Now if they were a character with flaws, a life, and relateable goals and such, then yes, it’s not hamfisted, they’re a person.

Enchanters encountered a lesbian elf couple in Legion.

I still don’t think adding something like this would have any beneficial effect on the story.

People despise Mal / Tyrande. People out right made fun of Thrall and his wife.

Is that really what the LGBT+ community wants? To have characters hated and mocked?

I mean, Malfurion/Tyrande were pretty cringe early on with MUH LOVE stuff

And everyone hates Green Jesus and the Go’el spam machine

They were just bad couples

And the same to you sister Have a beautiful day.

And to the all the hetro people, do not think we are all demanding and wanting. This small vocal group is wearing out it’s welcome with us as well.