LGBT+ History Month

stop FORCING your personal views in to everythng i do not care for them.

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100% pass. Dev’s can’t write romance to save their life without it being brain killing painful.

And honestly token inclusiveness is insulting to the player base. Characters should be written like real people with a role to play other than quota filler for X-minority value.

Besides we’ve all seen how the forums explode over socially sensitive issues. Last thing you want is to go digging into ancient greek and roman cultural perspectives. They were not exactly in lock step with modern views on women.


Blizz can call characters whatever they want as long as I don’t have to do quests or content engaging in that behavior.

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Let’s just go full Game of Thrones, much better writing and romances, scandals and heads on pikes. Better story overall.

No FF7 and the Honeybee Inn?

Yeah, let’s make every character unlikable and kill them off pointlessly every patch.

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There was some sort of group sex scene in FF7 as well with Cloud and a bunch of dudes before Don Corneo’s Mansion.

Actually it will still help. Because not all queer people are good people. They are still capable of atrocities. You cherry picked my entire argument to forests your stawman argument. It still counts as visibility because just like straight people gay people can be villains too.

Define likable? The characters in WoW are mostly cardboard cutouts. There is literally one emotion to each one of them.

Trying to read or watch Warcraft story is impossible without being painfully aware that this is a cartoon.

Then why are you so against it? No big deal right?


Wait this is still here?!?! Thought it would habe 404d by now.

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Fun fact. A looooooot of villains back in the day were coded as gay without flat out saying it. It’s quite frequent in kids media too

I just find it funny a lot of well loved villains were totally closeted gay villains because we couldn’t say it back then lol.

Well the flamboyant gays do exist. One of my fav movies is The Birdcage

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Shame on you trying to make a game into your social experiment. Just because you have an opinion about a “right” does not make it right. Truth is not subjective.

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“Gay coded” sounds like stereotyping.

Meh I think that’s up to lgbt. I think it’s weird when non lgbt try to judge characters

Man now I wanna watch The Birdcage. I have many fond memories of having a friend nearly fall out their chair from laughing with this movie.

why do you want to force it on to people?


Technically speaking, that is a short list

It’s a term that is neither negative or positive. I see it as the past’s way of “Okay you’re a dude but play it girly” I’ve even seen straight dudes that act very femmy

You can’t assign a sexuality to a character because they fit a predetermined notion. Most fictional characters, unless it actually matters to the story, are ambiguous.