LGBT+ History Month

No we dont!!!


keep politics out of gaming we dont need everything represented in every aspect of our lives.


Politics? No. Human condition, yes. People are gay. Like maybe 4% of men and one and a half that for women. It’s biology, not politics. I’d love to see a few male male unabashedly gay couples being it’s taboo snd way under represented in the gamer community.

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For the OP: I have to agree with others who say it shouldn’t be a poorly written, token push to meet some LGBTQ inclusion metric. If it’s going to be done, it needs to be done correctly.

For those who keep going “why does this need to be a thing?” or say “keep your politics out of WoW!” - I don’t think you understand the importance of representation, of seeing the variety inherent in life reflected in the world at large. The importance of seeing positive examples of different types of people so that we can learn to approach others with a more open mind. I’ll never forget the feeling of watching the Disney film Coco, and the impact it had on me seeing, for the first time, a Disney protagonist who looked like me as a kid. For once, kids who looked like me could see themselves in the place of the hero. This ISN’T politics, it’s an acknowledgement that there is more than black, white, Asian, Native American, catholic, pagan, straight or gay. Fantasy and fiction have always been the trailblazers on these fronts, and classic material is replete with examples of what some might dub “alternative norms”. In the current game, you have cross species romance, polyamorous dragons, and more. Mercedes Lackey and Anne McCaffrey are considered genre greats and feature in “organic” ways characters with a wide range of attractions and sexual habits. In Tolkien, the relationship between Samwise and Frodo cannot be described as anything but pure love, though the form this takes is open to interpretation. Further back, Achilles and Apollo in classic Greek literature were known for a variety of lovers. This isn’t new, and to act otherwise is an attempt at revisionist history. Same sex portrayals don’t have to be a straight person’s cup of tea any more than heterosexual portrayals have to be for those with same sex attraction, but that doesn’t mean we get to act like either don’t exist or deserve to be reflected in “pop culture”. You should at least be understanding of “why” it might be important for an individual to see something like this in the game, and why it’s important for it to be more than subtext that can easily be swept under the rug and forgotten.


No, and stop tokenizing LGBT people. You are doing more harm than good.


I had some feedback for this thread, but I’m not ready for another vacation yet. Carry on.


Bruh you’re playing a game about war. That’s super political.

its a GAME NOT REAL and thats fine keep real world issues out of games and just play them.


And the fictional gays are fictional as well. Simply being born is not some political statement

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We all know how this is going to play out:

They are going the Disney route and say: “We added some npc in the far corner of an inn somewhere that’s gay but you won’t know that person is gay until you read the wiki and the npc is myseriously cut from the international versions of WoW to not offend some target markets but look how woke we are”.

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We had gay goblins in the saving baine scenario

That was something

no…we couldnt. Digits on a screen dont have sexual preferences.

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Unless they’re straight, we have had plenty of those

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Jaina banged a dragon dude

its a video game. I play a video game to ESCAPE the stinking politics of the real world.


Ah yes, being gay is politics

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seriously theres already tons of games that have lots of LGBT references but hey lets pressure the one that doesn’t go out of its way to overly show it in order to get them to conform to politics

but yet people saying no to the concept are the ones being facists


uh…yeah…someones not been on the web much…or out in the world. Its all politics these days.
Back in my day people could just be gay and not define themselves and their entire lives by it…or spend so much time shoving it on others like the OP in this thread is.
Just PLAY the game for Krists sake. No one cares about the sexual preferences of anyone else.


thank Odin for the Mute…lol

“Tons” “Lots” “The one”

Man, what magical world of delusion do you live in where LGBT characters are all a dime a dozen and wow is the only one without it