LGBT+ History Month

Hah, nice.

What’s not nice… a lot of the people in this thread. :stuck_out_tongue:

By them existing and not having to have a parade around Dalaran to let everybody know. Nobody truly cares, it is the annoyance of making sure EVERYBODY around you know that you are different from the majority, which screams attention seeking behavior to me.

It is hard to take someone serious that doesn’t take themselves serious. If it really is to be no big deal, quit making it a big deal.

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Eeyup. I peaced out after awhile just to try and fail at being able to sleep.

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Yeah, why is it important to be represented in a fake world?

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So is it okay for them to be obviously gay, like for instance they openly talk about being attracted to the same sex? I don’t consider that parading around Dalaran, but i feel like others might.

That’s a really good point. I’m a fairly idiosyncratic person and this game doesn’t “represent” anything I can identify with at all. Not the art, not even the story. If anything it twists my own terms, I was writing about “the Void” in a positive way years before this game came out, as far as I’m concerned they butchered the use of the word by making it stand for something terrible. But I digress.

It’s still a fun game though, I got over that kind of thing in my first month.

1: it helps make the world feel legit
2: it also helps to normalize lgbt. Similar to how Will and Grace helped a bit with that

Why do we even need that to happen? Literally, why? What is the significance? This coming from someone that has 0 issues with it in real life, none. Why must this be something that is a part of a game?

I never said it should, I’m asking would people consider that “parading around Dalaran”.

I think the thread should be about Corgis now.


I love the opposite sex and I’m not turned on by the same sex.

Still…I’m exceedingly disappointed that so many reported such a benign topic. The LGBT community does have a point. It would be …responsible. to… see that community represented in wow.

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By making NPC’s clearly speak out of just normal talk to make sure everybody running around knows they prefer the same gender?

NPC’s dont do that now as far as I know, talking about preferring the opposite. Other than literally the only few, and I mean few couples in the game.

No, ideally the character wouldn’t just be like “hey i like the same sex i’m gay” but still something pretty obvious, like if Tyrande was replaced with a guy in the Malfurion/Tyrande relationship. That is a bad example because that relationship is obnoxious anyway. They would just openly show affection to the same sex.

Whoah, I did not ever even notice those characters. Cool reference.

That is quite a thing, on the Internet. Some of the drawings are pretty amazing and cute (most are quite tame.):

This one is rather subtle, very good drawing as well.


I mean straight couples we help out clearly say stuff like “my husband, my wife” Seriously there’s a lot of those

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The gays have already usurped Anduin and Wrathion. The fanfics and deviant art DEMAND it.

So is Sylthanos…

no i dont play overwatch because of that keep your politics out of wow and gaming.

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No, we couldnt use more. leave all of it out.

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I’m on the fence with this. Mainly because too many games try to force LGBT into it and it comes off mainly quite offensive. I don’t WANT your typical flamin “YASS QUEEN!” gay guy being our rep in WoW. A fully fleshed out character that has an amazing story but his sexuality isn’t any in way forced would be awesome.

But to add just to add isn’t a good idea. That doesn’t help represent us as it ends up doing more harm than good.