LGBT+ History Month

Not upset. Just makes me sad that this is the world now : P

I don’t want any romance in WoW, it’s always done poorly. I think it would be bad for the LGBT community, it would give people another reason to hate them.

Having said that, how is being gay political? I’ve never understood that arguement.

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i’m not trying to stop people from being represented, i simply asked why you need to feel represented.

Its great living in a world which preaches “awareness”, but questions are forbidden!

That this is the world now? I said I support it outside of my games where it is literally not needed other than just pleasing an extremely small percentage of the population. Just play the game, you are asking for something in a game that literally doesnt matter. The only relationship in the game I can think of that is worth mentioning is Tyrande and Malfurion and even that isn’t hit upon that much. It is almost literally 0 part of the game. It is such a non-needed addition other than to make the pc crowd feel warm and fuzzy. I say this as nicely as I can, get over yourself.

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AH ’GAYYYY :zipper_mouth_face: lol

Well then in turn living and feeling the need to never think about me being represented because the world caters to representing to me is a luxury and privilege you have that I and others do not. So that is where the ask and desire comes from.

Thrall and Rexxar gogogogogo

Because it is politicized, sadly.

Report that thread its useless

That’s basically how I feel about it.

If your LGBT+ character is just a one-note YAAASSS QUEEN kind of type, then they’re boring and annoying. But if they are LGBT+ with flaws, humanity, and relatable features that make them a likable character.

I hate it when the only diverse thing about those characters is their orientation rather than them being a person, ya know?


Why add it anyway?

Also, how would you know there was a trans one at this level of detail? I mean, unless they said out loud, “Hello I’m trans!” Or you mean you’d like a large burly Kul’tiran man character to be trans female, so it was more obvious?

I become excited, because it is generally fun until the inevitable happens.

Have you watched the excellent show “Doctor Who” lately? They FINALLY made the Doctor regenerate as a woman! This would be fine, actually kind of hot, except that they then had to make nearly ever episode story also about diversity; So it is like they went WAY overboard, making it look “forced.”

I feel that is how it would feel in Wow. I honestly could care less, but I feel it would seem like it was tacked on out of the blue.

I just thought of something:

By the actual definition, Mechagnomes are “disabled.” If in real life the tech caught up to where some guy you work with now who had an accident and is in a wheelchair has artificial legs he can control, would he still be “disabled?” Also, would he then lose the awesome parking spot?


I wish I was represented in WoW.

I don’t always like your posts, but when I do… I really do. :slight_smile:


There are LGBT characters in the game already, albeit they can be hard to spot. I’m not making any judgment as to whether there need to be more, just pointing it out. For instance, Burroughs and Ginsberg are a pair of random mages in LK Dalaran, IRL both those authors were quite unabashedly gay and were even together for a time. I seem to recall running into a few same gender couples out in the world as well. Mostly in older content ironically.

Unfortunately Burroughs and Ginsberg are a bit oldschool (long dead, but pioneered the 60’s counterculture so historically significant whatever one may think about it) so people might not know what those names represent.

Also, when I first saw “adult human” Wrathion for some reason I immediately laughed and assumed he had a crush on Anduin. But you know what they say when you assume . . .

Youtube knows I’m currently ill at the moment and recommended me that out of the blue

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knowing absolutely nothing about me, you made some mighty big assumptions there.


there’s nothing even remotely representative of me in the game
(although an NPC shares my rl name) :crazy_face:

i imagine that the vast majority of people don’t feel “represented”, nor do they need to feel represented on any level, by characters in a game about dragons and magic and death. :nerd_face:

i just want to understand the psychology behind why this same question gets asked, when it just doesn’t seem relevant to game-play.


I have a feeling that some people in this thread would consider any inclusion of a gay character as “hamfisted or shoehorned”. Perhaps that is a reflection of Blizzard, but what would it take for people to think that a gay character was organic and naturaul to the story?

All I have to go off of is the fact you need to ask and be told why someone would even “want” to be represented

Me too, an NPC shares my name. I want a Mexican NPC to represent me in this fantasy world.

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