LGBT+ History Month

Just edited my reply, but will include here. Reason I asked is related somewhat to your reply…

I guess one never really knows the gender identity of anyone on the forums, but as you mention, I have seen a number of replies from folks who have stated that they are a certain gender and their “husband” or “wife” or “lady” or partner/spouse are the same gender.

That’s all.

The guy playing with his wife doesn’t make threads asking for representation.

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this is already a thing; we have furry representation through Kane Carlyle and his pandaren obssession (to be fair Pandaren :thinking:), those two lesbian elves and their romance, whatever is going on between Alleria and Turalyon, mixed children of interracial (literally) copulations etc. if the goal is for subtle LGBT representation then it’s already here, just you know…subtle.

Yikes this thread mega-devolved.

Some really nice suggestions in here, and then some very “passionate” people spoiling the well. Lots of flip flopping too and unclear opinions on what should happen.

Bottom line, if an LGBT relationship/character is placed in game (and It feels like some hint this already) just don’t force it, that’s the entire point some are arguing against.

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Heh yeah I just saw the edit! It’s all good was curious as to the context of the question.

I would say it’s a lot like guys or girls who play the opposite gender they just feel it adds context when talking to them. But I also see the “it’s in my face argument” as a cousin or relative type argument to what’s being used in here to gate keep the inclusion. IE: everyone’s fine if you’re talking about your wife and your a guy but then u get that person who suddenly you’re in their face/ everyone’s fine with Malfurion and Tyrande and every other type relationship but suddenly it’s in their face if it’s LGBTQ

At the end of the day I think Humans are the best race to introduce an LGBTQ character or two just to start with if Blizzard wants because they have to start somewhere, and their stance on Humans is both that they consider them Diverse in humans entirety, but also that they do not reflect real life historical parallels. So they could very easily add a character not necessarily a relationship that route and their stance on humans being diverse is already pre existing so they would not need to really explain it in any context what so ever.

Because straight people are already represented in game… so they would have no need to request additional representation when it’s already catered to their view point and gaze.

The lore to the story was kinda set years ago, they just happened to make an mmo from it… play it.

I’d much rather they make a coherent and epic story to follow up on the lore than to spend time making sure every group in the world has representation just cause.

It’s a game about orcs and demons, elves and gnomes, dragons and old gods. Let it be what it is. Play it for what it is.

Why do we need this for everybody anyway?

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I love these threads because people hate them so much, it’s hilarious.

There are already gay relationships in-game, btw.

And a point here is that that “guy’s wife” might also be another gentleman.

Terms like wife and husband are historically culturally defined. But I have seen and heard both sides…

A gay man who introduced his male partner as his “wife”. A gay female who introduces her female partner as her “husband”.

And unless there is a 2-way mirror on most monitors or unless you know a player personally, there really is no way to tell.

If it works with the story sure - I’d rather them not shoe-horn in an LGBT character just for the sake of it.

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Also a BIG NO stop pushing your crap… and btw if it wasn’t for us privileged straight folks you wouldn’t have anyone to have sex with that turns gay…


The faster we can delete this post the better imo. Im not against anything in the real world but I dont sub to a game to have someone’s agenda forced down my throat. The very few relationships in this game are already cringe worthy. And there are very few. Let it go.


I’m gay and I don’t really care about this whole representation thing :v

I won’t lie and say I wouldn’t love to see a lesbian couple with tauren or vulpera or a male worgen couple, it would be the cutest thing ever, but eh, I can live and play just fine without it though.

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I’m in agreement with not putting in characters just for the sake of putting in LGBT characters but “have someone’s agenda forced down my throat”.

I’m sorry but that’s an EXTREMELY ignorant comment. Straight relationships/ships have been forced down everyones throat for years. Don’t act like it’s just an LGBT thing.



Sorry you feel that way. If you want this is in your game play, go play OW where they make it an integral part for literally 0 reason. The story there is almost non existent but they made sure to have LGBT characters…because.

Everyone be careful you will be banned on the forums for disagreeing with anything not in line with LGBT.
I just got off my own 7 day ban…how dare I not support everything they want!!


lol. I never said I wanted it in my game play. I even said I don’t want them because they would just feel shoe-horned in. I just said your comment was ignorant. Thanks for being more ignorant by not even reading what I wrote lol.

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I read it. Sorry words made you that upset.

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Really dont need any romance added to wow… this your a hater for not including is dumb.

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