LGBT+ History Month

Well. I suppose, but only for you.

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You know your life is way too cushioned when you’re wanting to dictate the sexuality of fictional characters in a fantasy game


I spit on da caffeine! /Zul’jin

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Uh, dude, Dreta was just about to give some of that to me

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Drink decaf.

You are dead to me. You and all your heirs will suffer this dishonor for seven generations


What, like the one time I’m not up for caffeine? Heartless, churlish, and insubordinate.

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its kinda just lip service if its done for no reason other than just having it.

Probably the biggest offender in he game in regards to LGBT inclusivity is that in the Kezan starter zone, the game MAKES your character het. You’re either Chip Endale’s girlfriend or Candy Cane’s boyfriend

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I have never played a goblin, but it should let you choose!

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why do you need to feel represented?
surely being you is good enough?

wanting to feel represented in a place where people go to escape reality seems kind of weird.

what happens if the queer character is not “nice” or is a mass murderer? 
does that still help you relate?

if you see yourself represented in fantasy characters, then you’re going to feel victimized by any situation which they’re put in
 how does someone manage to write around that?

You’ll claim that the writers have a responsibility to “the community”, to not portray these characters as having real-life “bad” traits.


Why do you feel the need to stop people from being represented? This seems like an odd thing to ask, as in game representations do help a lot of people and is appreciated by people.

I would expect the characters story to make sense, and I would roll with the punches just like I do as a Sylvanas fan and loyalist, or when we lost Varian. I think it’s been pointed out before but if one token character was all there was then yes I would have a problem with removal of that character I would want Jaina type plot armor, but if several were created and it fit the narrative to have a story that resulted in them being taken out then it is what it is I’m not going to fault them for having written LGBTQ characters.

sighs sadly in Teldrassil

There’s a rainbow generator toy you can get by doing a few quests in old classic Zone (Felwood). I think that’s about it and about all that we need.

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While I am all for this idea on one level given Blizzards lack of skill and/or empathy when it comes to writing makes me think this would go spectacularly wrong in so many ways.


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You’ve mentioned this twice in this thread, and I have to ask

How do you know that the “someones” mentioning their wife, gf, or lady isn’t the same gender? Are you assuming they aren’t? Or is there more context here that is missing?

[Edit: adding more info

The reason I ask is because I know of a few forum posters who are female who at time reference their “lady” or “wife”.]

A lot of people saying things like “don’t bring this into my game,” or “keep PC culture out of my game” should probably realize that WoW is Blizzard’s game. The entitlement is unreal.

I won’t comment on the topic at hand cause either way I’m skipping cutscenes and not reading an ounce of lore.

There is no way to tell but I was referencing several times I’ve seen people mention it in conversation back to people on the forums and it’s met poorly.

A lot of time guys that play female toons will identify for no other reason than they feel it adds context, and the same would be said for an LGBT person who identities to add context but the difference is and the point I was making is suddenly it becomes a “you don’t need to tell me that, you’re flaunting it in my face” argument that I have seen before.

I do not really know why you’re asking though I did mention it twice but I think I also elaborated a bit for someone else?

I still want a wedding scenario/instance event. There could even be a pvp event.