LGBT+ History Month

Baine’s the third wheel watching their date sadly from the sidelines.

“May I pay for your dinner, please Anduin?”

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I disagree I do not think the ask pertains to relationship explicitly but representation, its just delved in relationships.

Furthermore Blizzards stance on Humans being diverse would include LGBTQ individuals so I see Humans being the easiest way for Blizzard to start adding a character or two, whether its just obvious personality that reveals or text quest or a quick journal you find in the quest, or if its a lore character with a dedicated wow page what have you, it does not need to come with romance and they can take their time on that.

Also part of the OP is a pride month suggestion, which is a great way for them to benefit a charity which Blizzard also has a history and precedent for doing, so I would applaud that as well.

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He the guy playing uber to them on their date, lol.

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Actually I agree, I would much prefer a in-game pride month merchandise (mount/toy/pet) as stated earlier. As for an actual lgbt character, I would much prefer something subtle and hidden along the line, something like Raden hitting on MOTHER.

But then I’m a pretty low-profiled person irl who prefers to hide in the closet shadows because of living in a muslim country and whatnot.

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Oof. I wish you the best of luck in that situation. You’ll need it, friend.

Please come back and post on an character named “Ohgodmybrain”


Also the guy that holds the camera in those cringy “relationship pictures” where you’re thinking “if this is just the two of you who took the picture?”

Baine. Baine took the picture.

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Bugger better back off. I’m gonna be the one tinkering under that hood.


Now, now. Just let M.O.T.H.E.R wash off that nasty corrupted gear.

OMFG That is too cute… I may have let out a squee…


Now I have Pink Floyd on the brainwaves.

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You talking to me? I’m a total bottom twink.

Sorry I’m bad at idioms, is that an idiom?

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Let’s just say you have the right idea :slight_smile:

Ouch. :neutral_face:

Doing what OP suggests has shown to be the kiss of death in the video game industry.

Thankfully Blizzard is smarter than players say they are.


Please no pandering towards alternate lifestyle choices. Get woke go broke remember?

This is mind-numbing derailment lol.

Coffee, anyone? It’s cold this time, hope you don’t mind. Already creamy and sweet.

Abso-damn-lutely not, this time. I get off work in an hour, and I fully plan to crash out for at least ten hours.

Success rates may vary.

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Black. That’s how I like my coffee. Straight no chaser. Can you reoriginate the coffee a la N’zoth: Black as the void? You know, removing the cream and stuff?

My heart, it is dashed. All I wanted was to bring caffeinated joy to this troubled forum. :frowning_face: