LGBT+ History Month

I like to exaggerate suPeR sPoOkY and WiCkEd things :wink:

Sure, Draenei seem alien enough, write them so they pass dna traits off through telepathy.

Before anyone asks, some elves just want to see the world burn. :smiling_imp:

It makes me read it in Bobcat Goldthwait’s voice :smiley:


And seeing how the forsaken are murdering my (feral) brothers and sisters made me so mad and I went on a killing spree on those forsaken NPCs. I’m now a kiddo who happens to be a mass murderer, like Lilian Voss.

Your parents’ fault for letting you play a T+ game as a kiddo and not a teen then. You’ll get over it. Maybe.

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An improvement to basically any dramatic dialogue from anywhere.


In fact, I just sort of played the, “Malfurion, my love!” speech in my head in Bobcat Goldthwait’s voice. Improvement was immediate.


Was Voss a young human before she died?

That whole questline makes me want to vote for no relationships.

I never understood why are blood and gore ok for teenagers but people making loves are not. Love is a bad thing?

Try to imagine both characters’ dialogue in Bobcat Goldthwait’s voice. Seriously, it does make a difference.


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Not just dramatic dialog… mental image/audio of Bobcat Goldthwait singing let it go

Yup, works there too.

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I want to see what you wrote can I flag it? It says it will be deleted unless flagged.

…Why would you do this to another person?

Why not?

Edit: Check out the YMCA video by iirc betagems on the youtubes: Bobcat Goldthwait 4-20-90

This thread is doomed to 404 due to many off topic attacks and it’s generally divisive nature. That said if two characters were written properly most people would never even know they were gay. If it’s too ham fisted it comes off as a mockery and I doubt either the lgbt community nor blizzard want that.

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I’m just gonna go bleach my mind. I’ll be back in half an hour or so.

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This is exactly why I as a gay dude don’t want them even touching the subject. :man_shrugging:

They already can’t write relationships. Look to Malfurion and Tyrande. I don’t need that kinda “representation” in my vidya.

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We already have Wrathion/Anduin

How does Baine fit into this love triangle?