LGBT+ History Month

Yup. It’s literally a game marketed for kiddos.

I also stream the game on Twitch.

There’s more of us than many think.

Splatoon is fun dammit! :blush:

Definitely agreed! Sounds grassroots to me. Dig.


Seems reasonable. She’s the daughter of Durotan and Draka, so I personally would find it super interesting if she found herself also attracted to Aggra.


I think we’ve come across a pretty good tool to use here.


Be the change you want to see and whatnot. Go out and RP your characters as whatever you want and make your own representation in your server communities. :grin:

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Serious question? Will the next step be asking for them to have kids with eachother organically without having the proper “Tools” I only ask because I have seen it in games that allow you to have children and have the ability to have non-hetro coupling. That people had absolute fits about not being able to have children if their parts didn’t fit to make it happen.

Agreed. Although I will say it wasn’t so long ago - and probably still very real in some parts of the world - that real folk would need to RP the normative preference in order to fit in.

Though I really like seeing the diversity played out from those playing the game

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I am on RP servers, but due to the fact that even RP love drama can get…squicky…I tend to stay out of such matters that would involve others’ characters.

Because of that, my only married characters are my alts Amylin & Pixiz on WrA… to each other.


This is a game without surnames, I don’t think we have to worry about having kids…

I mean the story characters. Are people going to want two females to have children without the need of adoption?

Believe it or not this is something people throw fits about on a in-development game called Chronicles of Elyria.

Oh I certainly get that. Some RP groups are especially vile when it comes to deviations from the norm, but there are a lot of rando, casual people out there who just want to RP with some dude off the street in the Canal District and learn his backstory. There’s a huge and welcoming underbelly to the RP community.

I’ve been gone from the RP scene for a long, long time (did my character name give it away?), but I don’t recall gay characters catching much flak back in the day on Shadow Council. And my Rogue was a Blood Elf at the time, who spent most of his free time in Silvermoon.

I feel like a lot of things have changed without me noticing, and not always for the better. That makes me feel very old.

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I was tongue in cheek reference real world LGBT folks inability - or thought of being unable - to come out and be themselves, and instead having to RP life as straight.

Was just me flipping the comparison: RP one way in a game, when many have had to do that in RL.


I do like the RP-in-game stuff as a means of creating the diversity one wants to see/experience. It feels much more grassroots and personal, I think.

Just my two cents.

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Wait that isnt RP? I thought when they asked your name after you scratched out your eyes you kept yelling ohgodmyeyez and we eventually just gave up and kept calling you that.


That would be even better. But either way, I would be happy to get my hands on my first pride month merchandise stuff (or whatever they’re called).

But there’s a forsaken npc in silverpine forest cannibalizing a corpse, seeing that tainted my pure, innocent soul.

You didn’t enjoy there story in legion? because i sure as heck didn’t lol!

Know what I’d like to see?

Picture it. Random new zone in some expansion. B-side plot. Two mage dudes like each other. One mage dude starts studying some super wicked magic like nEcRoMaNcY and the other one decides to go off and save him from himself (or kill him.)

Make it organic. Make it part of the living world. Don’t write characters for the sole purpose of being tokens.


Why do you remember me telling you that?!


This is a T+ game, not E. “Blood and gore” is on the box.

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I love how you typed-out necromancy

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