LGBT+ History Month

They are not ignoring the story atmosphere anymore then they including diverse human customizations.

The stance Blizzard takes on Humans being diverse would be a good way to introduce LGBTQ because their stance supports it.

They also have a stance on Azeroth not being a real world parallel so they do not have to subscribe to your conceptions of the Middle Ages etc, its the same reason why they do not need a lore explanation for human customizations, humans in wow are simply diverse and this is wow.

That is fine then, but anyone and everyone should be warned that the romantic relationships portrayed in-game are cringe inducing at best.

Blizzard: Makes gay character

Also Blizzard: Gay character goes crazy and needs to suffer a horrible death by 20 murder hobos

Not really. I don’t need a character “representing” me to yell out “My love! Malfurion, oh, Malfurion my love! Where ARE you my LOVE?!”


You are definitely not wrong about that. But, that’s what you get when a bunch of nerds come together to write a swords-and-sorcery story. Characters are paired because they say they are – the grand romance has to be written later, and often is written clumsily at best.

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Yeah, maybe in 2 million years.

Ugh, did you not get that that was XAVIUS pretending to be Malfurion? Not Malfurion himself. And if anything having a gay character get that much depth as say Malfurion/Tyrande is a boon in my book!

Hmm that actually sounds like something I would get, something simple and small like the faction firework toy would suffice.

I feel you may be giving us too much credit as a species.

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I think it would do the best benefitting a charity like they have done at other times.

You already have it. Budd.

Tyrande is the one talking. Not Malfurion.

Tyrande was fully sane and real.

Wasn’t the first time she was hopeless without Malfurion either. I think it was in Cataclysm? She was being pretty dim and useless without him.

Was she sane, though? Was she really?

I mean, we are talking about a woman who survived the War of the Ancients having met Broxigar, an Orc, and then proceeded immediately to attempt to murder Orcs caught logging in Ashenvale rather than talking with them.

Just sayin’.


That’s the kind of writing we want for our “representation.” :upside_down_face:

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We get a lot of these same discussions in the Splatoon community too. People in Inkopolis Square post art saying “I’m [insert non-het non-cis identity here]” and the bigots have a fit saying “this is an E-10 game! We don’t need to see that here!”…

…when there has literally been Splatfest art for Team Love (Money vs. Love - Feb 2018 - North America) showing het couples that no one bats an eye at, for example.

But since Nintendo allows such art posts to stay up, it makes for a welcoming atmosphere for players who aren’t het/cis in a genre (shooters) infamous for its bigoted players…and that’s the entire point.

Representation matters.

I mean, frankly, in an E-10 rated game you shouldn’t even have straight couples. A game with any kind of E rating should be completely asexual if anything.

There is plenty of representation in WoW. But WoW shouldnt put an emphasis on it. Either way some main characters, Baine and Wrathion represent G. And Anduin represents B. As for L I would assume Geya’rah is or maybe Talanji but they are too new to really say for sure.

And Im sure there are many other minor characters if you just look around.

Also there is nothing wrong with representing your own character with one of the letters. More respect to you if you do and are proud. :slightly_smiling_face:


Lol the what? How old are you?

I tend to agree discussing sexual preference in a game with children. No matter your preference is a bit creepy. That hits my pedo alarm big time.

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