LGBT+ History Month

There would be no need to show this except to appease anti LGBTQ individuals and Blizzards history defending the LGBTQ on these forums with their policies, their own blue posts, as well as stating humans are diverse and diversity often implies acceptance not always but a lot of times and I think this would be one of those times.

There is no place for that word or promotion of slur type words, and I do not think Blizzard would tolerate it anymore then they do now. The report function is there.

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Oh, believe me – I’m not interested in whether or not there are people who can’t handle it. I’m more concerned that an increase in abusive language directed specifically at LGBT characters/players could potentially push someone who is in a dangerous place over a precipice I’d rather no one ever have to cross, particularly having had that particular precipice hound me for a number of years.

I don’t want to shy away from it, but I also don’t want to put real people in a position where they might be abused by internet trolls thinking nothing of it.

Admittedly, this is all hypothetical, so it really isn’t a reason not to be inclusive. It’s just a concern I have.

So? I’d rather keep this political nonsense out of WoW. You just finished telling me:

Then when I point out that they do exist here it isn’t good enough.


I feel like protecting people from something someone may not want to be protected from isn’t exactly the right answer. Not protection via exclusion anyways.

Nope, I am right there with you. Mostly because I highly doubt that the person making these posts is actually gay and just trying to stir the pot.

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Moira Bronzebeard-Thaurissan is a great example of the storyline tackling RL issues, in this case, intra-racism (which is simply ‘racism’ in the Real World).

And even then, the only reason they let Moira on the council was because she was a Bronzebeard by family. If she never married a Dark Iron, the DIs would still be exiled today.

I agree – they definitely wouldn’t. But speaking as someone who has been on these forums for a very, very long time, I’ve seen a lot of posts from people referring to others as a word for a female canine who try to justify it by mentioning the point at which Garrosh referred to Sylvanas that way.

Of course, that never stops Blizzard from intervening in an appropriate fashion, but if it’s someone in a dangerous place emotionally, that intervention doesn’t really help them, especially since Blizzard’s official stance on penalties is that they don’t tell anyone anything that doesn’t pertain to the individual’s own account.

You’re not wrong. Again, it’s just a concern I have. Being suicidal is the worst thing ever, and as time marches on, more and more people reach that point and attempt to act on it.

I don’t want that to happen, but as I said previously, that itself does not justify not being inclusive. I just hope that Blizzard has a gameplan for such things beyond what we have now if they decide to go that route.

When you give people anonymity, they tend to display the worst humanity has to offer.

And…I knew you’d say that. Those with your views always say that.

“We threw you a bone, now shut up while we continue to enjoy the feast…”

This would be acceptable but I feel like it wouldn’t work that way. It would turn into a PR nightmare. From what I have seen feminist are okay with a story about over coming. A story where things start out bad but work toward to a more acceptable place at a slow pace of story telling (Making the story feel more genuine) Versus the other group which tends to riot at any such slight. They must be treated perfectly from the get go or the PR downfall is hell.

Those with my views? Nice. That’s not discriminatory at all. Have a blessed day.


As to your other point about storylines being written in a negative fashion. The current Alliance is always portrayed as good to the point its almost silly. Blizzards comments on humans being diverse, and the current climate of the Alliance story wise; coupled with Blizzards track record on the forums defending LGBTQ individuals right of speech, and their own company being cognizant of being in 2020 as well as the lore explanations already in place, I do not see them writing the storylines in an offensive manner.

In fact nothing Blizzard has done would lead me to assume that at all… I would expect the character to go through the same ups and downs as anyone, Jaina, Sylvanas, Koltira etc… but I wouldn’t subscribe to the belief they put one or two characters in just to show the Alliance or Horde (though I think it more likely to come via humans) but I do not think they would put them in just to show them being ostracized

And that is what you call special treatment and ignoring the story atmosphere. It would be the first group which wasn’t considered the Norm to be quickly accepted and not mistreated.

I dunno, I could see it coming from Orcs too. They’ve got the whole invading berserker thing going on, and historically speaking, standing armies in garrison tended to see a much higher rate of homosexual activity.

Although, having said that, even in ancient/classical cultures, a man of breeding age was expected to marry and have children regardless, so perhaps pre-Christian history isn’t the best place to draw from.

Azeroth is not a parallel for the real world, the argument only goes so far. LGBTQ characters can be argued to be brought in because of Blizzards stance on Humans being diverse supports LGBTQ humans. But its the same reason why we do not need “explanations” for the added customizations, this is Azeroth, humans are diverse, period.

The same would be said of LGBTQ Human characters your world parallel has no weight because Blizzards stance on humans is already in existence, as is their stance Azeroth does not need to be explained by real world standards, so to make an LGBTQ Human character supports the pre existing stance they have on diversity, and not utilizing your real world conceptions of the middle ages also supports their already in place stance on real world parallels.

I’m holding you to account based on the content of your character, not something superficial.

The fact that you don’t see the difference is… :woman_facepalming:t2:

What little romance is in WoW is already awfully written. Do you really want the LBGTQ+ community to have to deal with that trash too?

The whole reason to push it in so it is normalized. That is like the whole point of discussions like this. Some people want it interwoven into modern culture and the various outlets of that so much so that people don’t second guess that it ever was different to begin with.

Whether that is just a pipe dream, who knows, but that is essentially the point of this whole thing.

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That depends on whether or not we ever reach the point where human beings ever create a truly secular nation, IMO.

To ignore the story atmosphere is damaging to the story… Then again Warcraft lore at this point is a bit of a joke and gets retconned more then a Marvel comic. So why not.

Since I asked this question earlier, I’ll just give you a quick answer. They’re okay with that possibility. Just as we hope that romantic relationships in Warcraft won’t be written like crap, they do too.