LGBT+ History Month

Actually WoW does go there and the mixed Race person was treated very poorly. We just don’t get upset about it because we don’t care about fantasy races. But when you do sexual preferences that isn’t a fantasy and people would take offense. Imagine if people treated someone of another sexual preference in the manner in which the half breed was treated.

That’s a bit more complicated than this. In that particular case, the decision isn’t made by a single party. No matter how much support Blizzard is willing to provide for the Mac platform, if there are problems with the platform itself, there’s really nothing they can do – which is part of the reason WoW has never been supported beyond more than one or two OSX versions back.

Having said that, I understand both sides. From my own perspective, I don’t want to see a relationship portrayed in this game that seems fake. We have enough of those – Malfurion and Tyrande’s dialogue while searching for one another in Val’sharrah, for example, kind of made me want to puke it was so lame and unrealistic.

As long as characters aren’t written that poorly, I personally don’t really care what particular brand of uglies they want to bump.

When someone makes that point and I feel like they’re saying so in good faith, I try to give them the benefit of the doubt even if they don’t articulate themselves well. Part of being a good communicator is understanding the communication limitations of others, after all.

Oh, I wasn’t aware that they weren’t allowed here.

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I meant in lore…

But Blizzard may never get better at writing, and there is nothing wrong with including a LGBTQ character here and there, gate keeping inclusivity does nothing for anyone… they are going to keep writing new characters, their writing may never improve it just is what it is, what we are saying is we love wow, the writing is the writing, we would like to see representation.

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I am an advocate of the world maintaining the story it has. I have no issues with a person of any sexual preference being added to the game but I would want the story to treat that person as the story would. Not magically be changed. This story isn’t one where things that are different are widely accepted. They even used racial slurs against the halfbreed. Would you be okay with such being done to a person of a different sexual preference or would that generate more outrage then them not being added at all?

They are in lore.

Enchantress Ilanya and Priestess Driana.

Are you sure you’d still say that if the relationship they wrote was something you considered a poor representation of such relationships, or perhaps even an abysmally bad one?

That’s where I think most people’s concern comes in, honestly. WoW writers get a lot of guff from this fandom. The Sylvanas back-and-forth throughout this expansion since the War of Thorns event is a pretty good example of that, I think.

Blizzard’s statements on Humans as a race being diverse also supports them being in lore.

I do not know why you think Blizzard would write the light loving humans of Stormwind who they have shown and said to be diverse as inolterant… VE’s are even accepted. And Blizzard has never shown to be against the LGBTQ community and I doubt very much they would write LGBTQ characters in a poor light to simply appease … you? In fact I remember when communities in BFA were first a thing the LGBTQ community got mass griefed on the old forums, and Blizzard stepped in with a Blue post defending the communities right to be a community, and then making a communities tab of the forum.


That’s 1 lore relationship out of… how many?

Nothing I have really seen, Elves and Humans mingling seems to be seen as relatively normal on numerous occasions. Thallyssra and Lor’themar have been written to give off some relationship vibes or at least some flirting.

You know the game doesn’t actually have to mirror the real world on everything it puts into it?

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I prefer people try and fail then see them not do anything at all. As much grief as certain “token” representation get I will take them over no reprsentation at all!

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I was about to say this! I would not fault them for trying.


So tolerant that they spat at Death Knights and thrown banana’s at them. So tolerant that they put Orcs in encampments. So tolerant that the forsaken until just recently was considered abominations and mistreated. You are right about one thing though they wouldn’t write the community being mistreated like every other different thing had to struggle and over come over time in Warcraft by proving their strength and value. Because they would be afraid of the PR nightmare if they actually wrote the story in the way in which it would be told and shown it would be told by the way others was treated every single time something different showed up.

Because they really aren’t; that’s the thing. What they did to their own stonemasons’ guild after the second war is a good example. The political infighting between various human kingdoms leading up to and during the third war is another good example.

Honestly, I think the question Dexterworgen is asking is a good one. How would you react if there were characters who were outright bigoted against queer relationships also existed and voiced their opinion?

One of the other, more quiet and insidious questions I have to ask myself is, if they add such relationships, even if they’re done well, how much will the presence of expressed bigotry (f-word, for example) increase in-game among the playerbase? That’s a concern that eats at me when discussing this topic.

DK’s and LGBTQ representation are not the same thing. Neither are evil acts committed in war etc.

Blizzard has narratively written the Alliance to be tolerant of their own members, and their statements on Humans being DIVERSE also support tolerance, so no I do not subscribe to your head canon belief they would be written to be in a poor light.

That last point doesn’t play into it for me. I don’t think a story should be suger coated for anyone. If players can’t handle themselves they can be muted.

Why do you think I had this character join the Argent Crusade. The AC was basically Azeroth’s progressive movement.


You do realize these were cold blooded murderers until a quest or two ago?

The orcs who went on a genocidal campaign and probably deserved dead? I’d say interment was a proper punishment.

Maybe because they were killing/experimenting on humans/the living.

In conclusion they were not being discriminated because of who they were but because posed a clear and present danger to the humans.

I would like to think they will get treat the same way women were treated in WoW’s story. That they will be discrimated on but ultimately those who discrimate will be proven to be in the wrong(as an example, look at Moira).


Which is acceptable. A movement where the story tells how a group proved themselves. Even in the story of BFA there is a lot of progressive strong women atm showing they are proving themselves and prior to that. Warcraft didn’t have a lot of female representation they had to overcome the struggle. Look at the entire Malfurion thing for example and Terenade always playing second fiddle.

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