LGBT+ History Month

Ah, that type. The, “Your existence itself offends me,” crowd. Well, I don’t think anyone’s gonna be winning them over anytime soon anyway.

I wonder if perhaps I’m desensitized to that.

If that’s the case then whomever it is that comes back with the “you don’t need to put it in my face” response is a dick, plain and simple.


This, yes.

Frankly, I think they would, simply because they have bigger things to worry about than who’s getting together with whom.

Yes like wars based on racism.

But you see a lot of that mentality citing its too much for the game the ask of the OP… yet Thalyssra and Lorthemar are fine? Malfurion Tyrande ? etc. It seems more an argument to try to not seem overly anti to the subject so they can still try to claim to be good people.

Its the same thing with the new human customizations they hide behind “its against the lore” even though Blizzard stance is that it is not, and that they have always considered humans to be diverse.

Which is why I say again I can see LGBTQ characters being human since Blizzards stance already represents that humans of wow are simply humans in their entirety of diversity.

And notice… that too goes by the wayside when some big bad comes tromping around.

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Anybody making the argument that humans haven’t had distinct races since the beginning hasn’t been paying much attention to the skin color options since very, very early on.

Hell, my first toon was a female human paladin with the darkest skin tone possible, and I definitely considered her to be a black woman. Just because graphical fidelity wasn’t up to snuff enough to render it doesn’t mean it isn’t a thing. Hell, remember female Troll eyes before the model updates? Literally no eyelids. They never blinked.

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Doesn’t mean the mistreatment doesn’t run rampant. Doesn’t mean people wouldn’t throw a tissy fit if Blizzard did write in other sexual preference in the way in which they would be treated in the world. People want to change what the game world is and turn it into their own fairytale. It wouldn’t be Warcraft anymore if you removed the brutality of it. It just wouldn’t match the times they are in.

Nothing, it was just funny with that part of your post out of context.

Anyway, while there are no specific scenes in the game that push towards this narrative, we do find relationships are pushed in the game at times.

Reminds me when people were up in arms when 1995 introduced us to a black Vulcan on Star Trek, ignoring how the differing skin tones IRL evolved in the first place, and how it would be similar for any M-class planet in that universe.


Which makes sense any one of them could actually be of another sexual preference and just not open about it. Think about how Azeroth operates. It’s closer to the Era currently when Slavery was just abolished. Being openly gay during such a time isn’t exactly a good thing.

Which I agree but if you pay attention to the posters a lot of them are in those threads and in this one and there arguments are very reminiscent and are presented in the way of “im not against, its just the lore”

I would say its a lot like the people who in the Mac client thread claim to get a PC, Blizzard supports the Mac client so it should at the minimum be something that works if it is flawed they should fix it, and they trump it up to its not worth spending resources too…

Giving the LGBTQ community a human character would be easy to do given Blizzards stance on humans being considered diverse, and it would be doing no more than what’s done for Malfurion and Tyrande and every other narrative that is non LGBTQ, and the lore already supports humans being diverse so chances are one can assume there are LGBTQ off screen, but gate keeping any LGBTQ inclusivity to staying off screen is not the stance I would take, be associated with, nor is it the one I see winning out in the end with Blizzard as more time goes by.

^this. 100% this.


Humans are Diverse… Yet they still follow a Monarchy and show racism toward the Orcs. -cough- Varian.

So you’re disputing Blizzards own stance on their own lore stating Humans are diverse?

You can be Diverse but also unaccepting. Being Diverse doesn’t mean everything is accepted it just means you have a large cultural pool.

I don’t think mixed race relationships would be okay then too but wow goes there and that seems to be okay. I mean WoW had a relationship with a Human and a Dragon.

So you’re advocating Blizzard on writing their diverse humans as inolterant?

Because not everyone can enjoy playing a game that says “your kind don’t exist here” :rage: