LGBT+ History Month

I think that’s a bit of a false equivalence. Most folks don’t come onto a video game forum to talk about that sort of thing. And if it’s going on in real life it’s usually between people who are at least acquainted and not some random stranger who decided to walk up to them to start telling them about how they played with their significant other.

I am sorry but this has nothing to do with WoW. There is no reason to post threads about the community here. You don’t see plethora of Lets celebrate being hetro threads.


The fact that people seem to think this is necessary is astounding. The only person that it concerns is them. A majority of us don’t need to know what goes on behind closed doors so why would we want this in game?

I’m done with replying here. I’m not here to start a war. So relax before anyone starts foaming at the mouth.

No lie, I’ve legitimately never seen that on these forums.


It actually happens on the forums all the time.

Also while I never insulted your post history

I do have my preconceptions of you based on it, and your insulting of mine, so feel free to go back to your own advice

I would like to see an example of such, please. Preferably multiple since it’s apparently commonplace.

They don’t have to make threads asking about it. They already have plenty of it.


I’ve seen it a lot, you’ve never seen someone say I play with my gf, my lady, my wife, me and my wife this or that? I’ve seen it said many times.

Then why are you coming off hella concerned? It’s no big deal to you eh?


Oh… you mean play the game. I retract my previous request. Yes, you are correct in that it is quite commonplace.

I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone complain about the fact that another person was talking about playing the game with their same-sex partner, though. Not saying it can’t or hasn’t happened, just that I can’t claim to have seen it personally.

Edit: Additionally, I don’t recall insulting your post history. If I did, allow me to apologize to your post history. But in all seriousness, I only commented on the posts I saw in this specific thread of which most were complaints about being offended.

That’s not what I’m talking about. I play with my wife. I just haven’t seen someone say such and have it be responded to with anti-gay sentiment.

I have when it is identified to be a lgbtq person, and thus the double standard is the point I was making.

Oh so you see loads of people running around being all lets make babies. Curtains close… And there is some implied sex scene? No? Then no sex, no sexual preference. Unless you are going to assume someones sexual preference off simple things like hanging out with someone. Which honestly now days means nothing. Even deeper still to properly represent such things in the burtal times in which Warcraft lives in? Yeah that would offend people more.

The community asking for these things want some magical safe space where they are widely accepted by the NPCs and story. I’m sorry I get the feeling Orcs and many of the Alliance even wouldn’t be all that accepting. Azeroth isn’t exactly more advanced then our society.

Have you been to moonguard?

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I’ve been pressured to have children because my mom wanted grandchildren.

And some dudes are wicked obsessed with getting some chick pregnant. “Nice Guys” are like that a lot.

Life is already catered plenty to non lgbt. The point of pride events is to bring a community up. Non lgbt do not need to do that.

What does that have to do with the game story?

Hm. That doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. I can’t see a reasonable person deciding that someone who is themselves gay talking about their spouse/significant other playing the game would assert a political motive.

Then again, there are a ton of unreasonable people playing this game, so… okay, I guess that passes muster. I’d ask for an example if one came to mind, but I have a feeling moderators would’ve cleaned something like that up fairly quickly.

I could see an argument being made for NPC relationships being frowned upon for various reasons, even if the logic behind those reasons isn’t necessarily sound, but a person talking about their own real life relationship? That just doesn’t make any sense to me. Mentioning that one is gay is not a demand of any kind, much less an unreasonable demand.

Issue is those events don’t exactly fit in the game. Trying to shoe horn them in and make the Azeroth world an accepting one is asking to change the truthfulness of how brutal the Azeroth world is. Example watch the Warcraft movie, and notice how they treated thralls Mother when coming threw the dark portal. I imagine they wouldn’t treat other sexual preference better then that. The world is full of racism, and hatred. Yet somehow they should change the story to be accepting of other things which wouldn’t happen? If people don’t see what is wrong with that I just don’t know.

I have seen it, someone will mention my wife or gf, someone else who may identify as lgbtq will mention theirs and suddenly “you don’t need to put that in my face” type of an argument is cited, the same ones that are in this thread talking about its in their face… yet Genn and his wife are not?

And yeah they have been cleaned up and if they aren’t I do believe the forum rules frowns on witch hunting posts.

Just dropping by to show my support to anyone feeling marginalized, whatever your backstory and whatever RNG you rolled

:rainbow_flag: :peace_symbol: :heart: