LGBT+ History Month

The show queer as folk does a lovely scene that is similar to what you just said. It was a pretty powerful moment for the time it was on the air.

No one is saying you can’t feel how you feel about gay or whatever, you just can’t treat people differently for it. Pride was created as a way to memorialize those lost and the rights they fought for. Seeing as you know? We still aren’t treated equally. Seeing as members of the lgbtq community are harassed, beaten, or killed on a regular bases based on their orientation. I doubt you’ve been accosted or harassed or as a personal example attacked at a bar because of your sexual orientation.

I was standing waiting for a drink at a bar and a guy got in my face.

Pride is a way to bring visibility excuse when you are in the shadows you’re unprotected. When you move towards being out in all forms of media you are then allowed afforded more security.

We’re bars raided and straight people thrown in jail because they were at a gay bar? No.

Nice straw man argument though

I’ve never heard of the show, but then again, I’ve never been big on watching television. I tend to prefer my media in the form of escapism.

It’s one of my favs. Some of the topics covered in it are a tad out dated but for the time it was on air? Wonderful. I’m talking about the US version.

Context: The character getting this speech done to him is Emmett. After a scare where he thinks he might have aids he prays to be clean. When its revealed he’s fine, he tries to force himself to be straight.

Thankfully he realizes forcing himself to be straight is silly.

That is a pretty powerful speech, yeah. Almost had to reach for the tissues.

I went the other direction with my thinking though, and just turned away from religion in general. The more I researched its history, the more it seemed to be just another power structure – the organized stuff, anyway.

This really isn’t the thread to have that particular discussion though, but I do thank you for sharing the clip!

I’m sorry you are choosing to get bent out of shape over words on the internet. At this point I’ve had enough reading your whining and am simply going to chalk up your responses to your being a part of generation offended.

It’s not my job to track down the original comment in order to reply to a response to it if someone chose to chop out a part of it. That’s why I had no issue with admitting to having been missing context and didn’t disagree with the fellow who corrected me once I realized that I was mistaken.

Furthermore, you do realize anyone can incorrectly interpret a statement and be offended by it, no one is required to give a rat’s backside about whether you were insulted or chose to take offense to something, right?

Good day.

Because the entire reason het people do it is to be bigots.

Pride parades are done as a way to increase visibility and awareness.

Heteronormative imagery is literally all around us. You can’t escape it. There’s no “issue” when we see it. It’s seen as “normal” and it doesn’t blip on anyone’s radars.

As soon as something includes other-than-het imagery, the klaxons come on, it’s decried as “political”, or as a way to “fill a quota”. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME! They claim “well, it’s ok if it’s not done to fill quota or as pandering”, but no matter how low-key it ends up being, it’s ALWAYS claimed to be that by the idiots who make those sorts of statements in the first place.

Take the Overwatch comic that established Tracer as lesbian. All it did was just have her having a talk with her partner. Her orientation wasn’t even a plot point in the story, it was just something visible. Also, when 76’s husband was just casually mentioned. It was low-key, it wasn’t made a point, it was just

and the jerks still got all up in arms about it, callingit “pandering” or “quota-filling”, etc. I suspect most of those complaining were too attached to their het fantasies of
being with
Tracer, or to their macho fantasies of Soldier 76 and that somehow 76 being at-least-bi meant he wasn’t a “tough guy” anymore or something.

It turns out that to many who call for “lower key” representation
it actually means none at all.

This is why we march for Pride.


History month?

You would have to have some history for that to work

No worries mate.

We do have history.

You “assume” I have an agenda. But really, that’s just your insecurities again at play. I simply have a different opinion than you, and the fact that I do clearly enrages you; given the amount of posting you’ve done on the matter.

I’ll repeat again what I said before. Have a wonderful evening.

And don’t bother with another long winded reply. I won’t see it.

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Yeah I edited my post twice to address you, which is a feature I am entitled to use as is everyone, its called the edit tool

Cool since your original reply to me was one big long TLDR and most of my response to you was your own posts back to you, I guess not even you wanted to read what you had to say.


On another lighter note


That’s one of those things that I see and I’m like, “That’s neat,” while thinking, “But I would never risk getting that close to a wild animal that much larger than me.”

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Just trying to keep the peace somewhat with cute

I like to think that me being cute does keep the peace :confused:

Cute is justice.


I don’t care if you’re into men, women, both or stinkin’ sheep. It doesn’t need to be advertised. Very few people probably want to know anyways.

Nothing personal. Some of this stuff just doesn’t need to make an appearance everwhere.


Okay then lets not advertise any het non lgbt relationship in the game.


I’ll never get over how many times you hear someone plays with their wife, gf etc. but the second a LGBTQ person says something like that, it’s in their face, political, they know lgbtq people who don’t do that, they aren’t against it just


Kicks back and roasts some shrimp on the barbie and cracks a cold one open with the lads as we watch this thread crumble into oblivion.